Sypoth: yup, and that's anti-bunny as well, note the lack of bionics or roboticized limbs. Woulda also been hot if they included that robot with an "attachment" having fun with her original as well. ^.^
Anonymous10: If it's her mom, why the hell would she be wearing Sally's boots. Don'tcha think Vkyrie would be smart enough to let us know that the two look alikes are different Sallys.
Don'tcha think Vkyrie would be smart enough to let us know that the two look alikes are different Sallys.
This makes me laugh. It's porn. Vkyrie let us know nothing. For all you know, there aren't even sonic characters, they just look like them. Or is that too close to breaking the fourth wall?
Anonymous13: Near as I can tell it is Alecia, the mother. Not Alicia the alternate reality Sally. Though I wish it were a time paradox thing, then you could get one of the really hot characters in there. Megan Acorn for example.
This makes me laugh. It's porn. Vkyrie let us know nothing. For all you know, there aren't even sonic characters, they just look like them. Or is that too close to breaking the fourth wall?
Me: If you say 'Sally is evil,' I'm gonna punch you.
Sonamy fan: *covers mouth*
Me: *smiling* Thank you.