Anonymous3: I'll take the Goblin too. I love the Horde also...FOR THE HORDE!!!
Gonna show her a good time, and I can't stand the other faction.
So yeah, and I even got a Goblin female Warlock and probably if I had the chance I would fuck her.
Also all my chars in WoW are Horde and I love red so it's a win, win. <3
Anonymous8: idk how anyone can pick a goblin... that gnome is adorable, and goblins (lore-wise even) are covered in warts and have hooked noses... Some of you just have terrible taste.
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Gonna show her a good time, and I can't stand the other faction.
So yeah, and I even got a Goblin female Warlock and probably if I had the chance I would fuck her.
Also all my chars in WoW are Horde and I love red so it's a win, win. <3
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(Spoiler: After that Goblin is through with her, that Gnome will be a broken mess.)