"And here at last after 6 long years is the final artwork from the top 10 winning choices in the SWEF 2010 Art Poll. Way back when that poll ran, I promised to do all 10 winners. Unfortunately some of the EU choices such as this failed to inspire and motivate me at the time, and I’ve been procrastinating for years in completing this final artwork, but here it is! Better late than never right? Ever since first planning these pictures I had the idea of doing two versions as a tribute to the Knights of the Old Republic video game where the player has the option to play Darth Revan as either a male character or a female character. So I chose to do one version with Revan as a male having his way with the young twi’lek Mission Vao, and a 2nd version with Revan as a female, forcing Juhani into submission. The complexity of the pictures and trying to use the same core pose of Revan in both with slight variations to the body was another reason it took so long to complete the art. Maybe I should have just done two entirely different poses to make it simpler in the long run. But in any case, I think it turned out well and I hope fans of KOTOR and Revan will appreciate the artwork. By the way, I used actress Summer Glau for the likeness of Mission Vao (hey those names rhyme!). Juhani’s face is just a generic model in case you’re wondering."
Anonymous1: The entire time I've been looking at porn (yes, I'm that young) (meaning legal age for several years) I've been waiting for more Shabby Mission. Goddamn. Finally.
Anonymous7: While it is great picture, the anatomy part of me is facepalming at this. Shabby placed Revans package way too low on the body in comparison to where the waist (indicated where the belt is), making Revan have this very weird, elongated torso. While I would like to see this fixed, it would probably require redoing the entire picture as to move Vao to maintain her posture in the picture. Tis a shame, because everything about is great.
"And here at last after 6 long years is the final artwork from the top 10 winning choices in the SWEF 2010 Art Poll. Way back when that poll ran, I promised to do all 10 winners. Unfortunately some of the EU choices such as this failed to inspire and motivate me at the time, and I’ve been procrastinating for years in completing this final artwork, but here it is! Better late than never right? Ever since first planning these pictures I had the idea of doing two versions as a tribute to the Knights of the Old Republic video game where the player has the option to play Darth Revan as either a male character or a female character. So I chose to do one version with Revan as a male having his way with the young twi’lek Mission Vao, and a 2nd version with Revan as a female, forcing Juhani into submission. The complexity of the pictures and trying to use the same core pose of Revan in both with slight variations to the body was another reason it took so long to complete the art. Maybe I should have just done two entirely different poses to make it simpler in the long run. But in any case, I think it turned out well and I hope fans of KOTOR and Revan will appreciate the artwork. By the way, I used actress Summer Glau for the likeness of Mission Vao (hey those names rhyme!). Juhani’s face is just a generic model in case you’re wondering."
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And some about Kreia too. :D
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