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Anonymous1: wonderful. Shantae is so underrated.
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fishmonger: @Anonymous: I just today beat Pirate's Curse again... still just as fun as the first time I played it. I also love cheating in the last dungeon, because I hate that fucking place. It takes pretty much frame-perfect timing, but that final dungeon can be entirely skipped. Jump, float, cannon, cannon, cannon, float. If done exactly right, you can just barely make it to the platform. Just do it three times and skip all the annoying parts; I just tried, and made it up the whole tower in less than 2 minutes (I failed a few times, still haven't perfected my technique... a speedrunner could do it much faster).
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fishmonger: @fishmonger: Just tried again, and even with a couple of failures I made it up the tower in 1:35:54... 95 seconds isn't bad considering how annoying that dungeon is.
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Anonymous2: @fishmonger: And tell me, how the fuck does this have to do with ROTTY TOP BOUNCEING HER BIG TITTES?
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Rule_34_XXX: @Danana3000: Hey, if he want to share an anecdote, who mind if there those tits in the place~

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