Killamajig: This is only marginally dumber than circumcision fights.
I prefer smooth principally because I -love- eating out and you can really get at it, plus the landing strip just looks stupid.
Anonymous11: I'd like to point out that these women (Or 12 year old in Luchini's case, there's your pedophilia) walk around in their underwear all day. Surely if you had to do that, you wouldn't want your pubes stickin' out the side for all to see, so shaving actually makes sense here.
Anonymous12: While Anon 11 makes a valid point I would like to point out that not all these girls are teens. Luchini the youngest at 12 Mio is the oldest at 20-21.
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fap fap fap
I prefer smooth principally because I -love- eating out and you can really get at it, plus the landing strip just looks stupid.