LadyStardust: I . . don't get it, what's so bad about stimulus packages? The ones Bush gave out helped the economy a little, and Obama also wants to hand out some stimulus packages if he becomes president, so if both republicans and democrats support them then why is this cartoon acting like they don't work and what Bush did was meaningless?
Rule34d: So what your saying is TheBigMansini hates both Democrats and Republicans thus being another mindless rebel? Or are you saying he hates Republicans but doesn't know jack shit about Democrats thus making him just another mindless rebel?
Rule34d: ^You just said that this is a shitty idea by giving a double negative. Saying "doesn't mean it's not a shitty idea" would be the same as saying, "means it's a shitty idea." Just like in algebra -2x=-4 can also be written as 2x=4 through the division property of equality.
Krawczyk: I power my flagship on angsty weeaboo tears and the greasy oily blood of furries.
So far I've sailed around the world three times without stopping!
LadyStardust: Aren't solar power plants expensive to build, not very reliable, and they need to be REALLY big if you're going to use one to power a large city?
LadyStardust: Yes, I support NUCLEAR POWER 100%, along with natural gas. THEY are the power sources of the future! Screw solar and wind. The sun isn't always out and the wind doesn't always blow. o.o
Rule34d: Wow you're a fucking idiot. With satellite technology we can get energy from the sun 24/7 and send it where ever we choose and wind? really? Come on! Everyone knows wind isn't one of the major players tard. The leads are solar power and water power.
Observe, laid down for all to see, the pure, unchained CHAOS that engulfes your so-called "rulers". See for your eyes how they are utterly unable to decide the fate of their own meager country!
THESE ARE YOUR LEADERS! These are the people that you turn to for advice, for guidance and for salvation in times of crisis. These are the rulers of the "Free World", but they fail at ruling their own lives!
Clearly, this cannot do! These people must be shown the light! Must be put in line! Must be forced to order, or banished to oblivion!
This is the time for a new leader! A new order! One world, in perfect order, under ME!
Sorry. That one goes to all the retards using their "brains" to discuss "real talk" like anyone gives a shit about it while there's tits hanging out. That's what message boards are for.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Y'know, Krawczyk, toetag Democrats and wildeyed anti-Republican bigots all strike me as about similarly stupid. That is, profoundly, cripplingly, anoxically out of it.
Anonymous10: ya aztec345 is right, but never forget about that plasma plant or whatever the fuck it is that they are building in France.... i think thats where it is.
(not the LARGE Hardon place)
Anonymous12: He's been fucking the country for 8 years a10.
I think we should get back to the discussion on power, nuclear and solar would be nice things to bring in, although all those old films from the 50s and the 2 or 3 little fuckups along the way have alot of people scared, so building plants is a bit difficult for nuclear power, and ground based solar power takes up alot of room (although you could also just put some solar panels on every building in the city so each place reduces it's own reliance on the grid...). Also don't forget about geo-thermal power, which is actually useable just about anywhere on the planet with a system of pipes that run deep enough (simplified explanation since this *is* a porn thread). Only real restriction would be areas with underground caves that would destabilize when putting the powersystem in.
Also yay for the new feature, just the thumbnail from the old one was bad enough.
Krawczyk: What the fuck is a toetag democrat? You scumfucking shithead yankees keep making up these stupid nonsense terms, it's no wonder you get nothing done in your shitty little country. How do you keep up with it all?
Krawczyk: also, what comeuppance? If anything the utter morality failure of western civilization these past few decades have proven us correct, people need to be bludgeoned onto the proper socioeconomic paths through fear or respect or they go bugfuck crazy. The rare exception does not break the rule.
Krawczyk: btw
exceptions are those which preclude political/corporate connections, ie making it on their own. Otherwise, it's business as usual with a differently named economic system.
Krawczyk: lol me either actually, that's why I prefer governments with thirty parties, or one. Thirty+ gives you lots of great lulz potential, one gives you lots of free time and money, and every US election cycle it looks more and more the way to go.
Yes that's exactly what they pay their taxes for, who gives a shit about roads and pipelines and basic fucking infrastructure.
Although I must admit if Monkey#2 follows through on this promise here:
Deploy a modern communications infrastructure:
Obama and Biden believe we can get true broadband to every community in America.
it will pretty much reverse my opinion of him.
I'd still prefer to have a 'President-4-lyfe' Ælfred the Great or Alexandr Nevsky however.
Serealkiller: So...if the Statue of Liberty represents America, I guess that makes the Gulf Coast part of her rectum, since Bush sure didn't mind fucking us.
Anonymous19: PROTIP: The statue of faggotry (correct name: Liberty enlightening the world) is NOT an American symbol but a present from the French.
Also- Amerikka is pig disgusting
*votes for Putin*
also anon18 wins for pointing that out. Americans piss me off so much I tend to forget what I was aiming at in the first place along with all my talking points about the superior benefits of a fascist monarchy state. Sorry Mexico!
For another note of trivia: It's green because it was made of copper which changes colour instead of rusting.
visit here for more fun fax!:
Is that the good kind of fascism where we get to stamp down on the filthy untermench and shamelessly extoll the virtues of the white race? Fuck the zionists and their 'multi-culturalism' (read cultural destruction of the white race in general).
Krawczyk: Yes and no. For the purposes of securing an immediate larger army and sacrificial test subjects for our space and ocean floor exploration programs, slavs and roma now get a free pass. :D
Oh yeah and no more goddamn camps, they leave too much evidence behind, and sob stories for later generations.
cypherpunks01: Also, what we should do is try to survive and enhance computers until 2050, then we'll have a computer that can outcompute the world. Then we can ask it what to do.
Anonymous21(17): I watched Enemy at the gates last night I thought slavs were eastern european brits? They spoke english and had what I assumed were brit accents anyway.
Krawczyk: ^Not well known, but there's a novel accompanying this movie. War of the Rats. More factual less actiony, as usual. Go check that out too.
Slav=slavic=ethnicity of most Russian satellites in eastern Europe. Despite their appearance the SS regarded them as the KKK does the new president.
Anonymous22: Isn't that ALWAYS, the way it is? Another politican, trying to screw the American people. And, even with THIS one on the way out, He's trying to screw her, in HER "WAY" out!
Urbane_Guerrilla: Krawczyk -- well, clearly I am among the heathen. Make Google your friend here. Or start reading Larry Elder, who coined the term. He's a smart fella.
Urbane_Guerrilla: And Marxism... is the way to go to history's ash heap. Capitalism won, Marx lost, and that creature of the nineteenth century that we spent the greater part of the twentieth discrediting is dead or dying. Its last remnant will be as a sort of bad state religion -- for China, or for Vietnam.
Krawczyk: Why the fuck would anyone care about Harry Reid? Only dumb fucker I see is the one who thinks he's of any import.
By the way, speaking of screwing on the way out:
Anonymous29: whats wrong with you tards some of you don't have a clue to what you're talking about. Good political satire should be in newspaper. Everytime I see LadyStardust there is political debate...just fap and be done.
Rule34d: Anonymous11 is retarded as nuclear power is gay, causes run off waste, and is combustible. Space based solar power is fucking key to our survival, not only does it fix out energy crisis but it also allows us to colonize space. That's fucking right, you could experience IRL SPORE INTERFUCKINGGALACTIC! THE HUMAN EMPIRE WILL TAKE THE PUNY MILKYWAY AND THEN ALL GALAXYS TO COME!!!! SEIG HEIL ME!!!
Rule34d: Urbane_Guerrilla you are also a fucking retard, Communism doesn't fail because Capitalism beats the shit out of it. It fails because it requires an entire populous to look out for the majorities interest, which of course will never happen since all people are greedy bastards. Capitalism is win because of exactly that. Capitalism is centralized on people doing what they can to make themselves successful and we're all such greedy fucks that we play right into. I'm not saying that I don't like being well of but Capitalism fucks a majority of the populous over in quality of living. In Capitalism 10% live great lives (money wise of course) 50% live decently and the rest live less than decent lives. Communism asks for 100% of the population to live decent lives, but of course there are the top 30% who want to live like fucking kings and that very top percent usually happens to have the most influence or power, or else why the fuck would they want to stay in the lower levels of society. That 30% is what fucks Communism over and uses it for personal gain. READ A FUCKING BOOK ON THEORY YOU JACK ASS.
Rule34d: Oh wait I forgot. Rule34d shut the fuck up you jack ass! These people are either too busy fapping or too stupid listen to your educated mumbo jumbo theories. This is a fucking porn site!!! People come here to fap not to read political ergonomics!! You dickass cunt!!!
Man_in_The_Rain: @Rule34d When you said that solot and hydro power where the only contenders, that has changed in the past few mounths. In Canada and U.S. there is a plane in progress to build a large scail Vortex engine in a facility that would Make a small containable tornado as long as heat is there at the base witch is supplied by the tonadoes waist. You have proboly heard of it already scince you know alot about healthy energy but if you havent the you can find info on if from here not much on it tho, but would make Energy easy to genarate from it and cool the earth at the same time(problem there i know) Tho it would only generate a 10th of the power the hover dan dose the facilitys would not need any natural element and would cost about 40 mil to build. I would like to hear your ideas on this and on the idea of the cyclone power plant witch would be slightly less stable but could potetionaly make as much energy as the Hover Dam (2080 Megawatts) but not be nearly as big.
Man_in_The_Rain: And all of you who dont care about this decusion Heres something you all can do and i dont thing you will disagre. Turn off you heat to save energy and money and just keep faping in your bassment or room you heat up you house, and remimber dont stop or you might freeze.
Anonymous31: Fascism, Communism, Representative Democracy; power corrupts. You're screwed anyhow.
And since Direct Democracies of scale are unfeasible, I'd rather see a Bureaucracy where people are assigned very specific power based on their position in their careers, etc., with plenty of Auditing trails.
I've seen the private sector at work here in the U.S. with Capitalism.
It's amazing. I don't want to lose that.
Bomber64: Ummmm . . . Did someone pee in your cereal this morning, or not? I'm not sure which would piss you off more. This site warped my view of people.
Rule34d: @Man_in_The_Rain: Indeed the cyclone engine does sound like a good, in fact prime idea but until they perfect it's workings I'm not considering it a possibility. Then again if I say that I have to rule out solar power leaving hydro which of the three is apparently the most ineffective. However, while the "Green Revolution Engine" says it minimizes toxic gas release it still releases more than both solar and hydro. What ever is used to power it does not simply as the inventor puts it "disappear" but is rather made gaseous. In these gasses a certain uncounted amount of toxins are released, the question that needs to be revealed is how much? Without knowing the negatives and positives of every alternative energy you cannot effectively weight them against each other. For example, while SBSP takes 80 mil to build (double the amount), it releases clean carbon fumes on which cause no devastation, secondly being in space it harms nothing on earth, and another flaw to the satellite is that the solar panels break down over time. The time it takes to break down though is approx a millennium. Hydro powers main neg is that it doesn't supply as much energy, but it is currently feasible and could be put in place to sub in for oil at less of a cost. GRE has major benefits as well, it gets rid of garbage, but the negative is; That very same garbage is released into out atmosphere. Therefore I would need more persuasion before even considering Cyclone power.
@Bomber64:This is a porn site, relax, fap, I'm just dicking around.
Anonymous33: Why do retarded cumdumpsters like Rule34d always wish to compare the IDEAL of communism to the REALITY of capitalism? LIVE A FUCKING LIFE IN REALITY YOU JACK ASS.
Anonymous36: rule34d, you call people faggot for freaking out because a carefully thought out and long post was deleted, yet you're the one that deleted it, so what's that make you?
food for thought.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Rule34d, I recommend you start with Economics In One Lesson, and from there go on to National Review magazine, likewise American Spectator and Reason. Commentary would do you good too. You seem only half to understand economics: remember that socialist economies (command economies) do one thing well. They underperform. Check the Soviet Union for innumerable examples.
I think of it as evolution in action: the less successful one is the one that falls by the wayside. Me, I'm just too bright and too well educated to believe in Socialism, or in anything but free-market capitalism -- plus ethics. Ethical behavior makes for better prosperity and better capitalism. Capitalism is that economy that humans practice absent government interference. It's also the only one practiced without government making you do it their way, and you know full well just how efficient government enterprises are.
LadyStardust: @Rule34d: I don't really like how you keep insulting my intelligence when I just have different views than you. Do you get a hard-on when you're calling me names and making me feel bad? Is calling me stupid, an ass kisser, etc, how you get your kicks? I've been nothing but nice to you, so I have no idea why you enjoy harassing me so much . .
Anonymous38(9): Ok you know what? Everybody's smart in their own way. But what's the point of sitting here fighting an un-winnable battle ONLINE? What are you trying to prove? There are millions of political forums for this. You're taking this picture way too far and taking things off subject. IT'S A GODDAMN DRAWING! Get off your high horses and write a fucking book.
Backwalk: She's one hot French chick, but she's green, cold as metal, and well over 120 year old. Still, the politicians have been fucking her for years!
Anonymous39: Everybody else had to take their one last shot a Bush, so I'm not surprised this got featured. But it's old news now. Time to fap to Michelle and her eye-raping yellow dress.
TheBigMansini: ^Anon36: ROFL.
^ Thanks for the feature :)
^Malus_X: LOL, honestly wasn't aiming for faps, was aiming for laffs. Seeing heated political debate over something goofy like this though - lulz was has by me :D
biggerstaff: Tyue - ethical POLITICS is an illusion. The minute you place someone in power, the forces of corruption begin to work. Eventually, everyone ends up a fascist.
Anonymous50: The point is everything that is ill (company) should die eventually. Public power (or money) didn't put them in trouble, they've put themselves in trouble, so they should solve that by themselves too, even if that means that a company eventually fails. And no public money should be involved in this, screw them. Nuff' said.
poisonous patina oh shi-
Just because the two party's agree on something doesn't mean its not a shitty idea.
us__them__there shit
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So far I've sailed around the world three times without stopping!
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Isn't the price of oil expensive?
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I mean, I'm not Anon1, but...durrr.
Observe, laid down for all to see, the pure, unchained CHAOS that engulfes your so-called "rulers". See for your eyes how they are utterly unable to decide the fate of their own meager country!
THESE ARE YOUR LEADERS! These are the people that you turn to for advice, for guidance and for salvation in times of crisis. These are the rulers of the "Free World", but they fail at ruling their own lives!
Clearly, this cannot do! These people must be shown the light! Must be put in line! Must be forced to order, or banished to oblivion!
This is the time for a new leader! A new order! One world, in perfect order, under ME!
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Today we say goodbye to Bush, so I thought it only fitting that he be featured.
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They'd hurt a lot more than those faggy loafers, you betcha!
I still can't unsee it T_T
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Sorry. That one goes to all the retards using their "brains" to discuss "real talk" like anyone gives a shit about it while there's tits hanging out. That's what message boards are for.
YAAAAAAAAY, GEORGE! The only Democrats who did shit were the ones in their country's uniform -- and that ain't Krawczyk, or he'd've mentioned it.
(not the LARGE Hardon place)
I think we should get back to the discussion on power, nuclear and solar would be nice things to bring in, although all those old films from the 50s and the 2 or 3 little fuckups along the way have alot of people scared, so building plants is a bit difficult for nuclear power, and ground based solar power takes up alot of room (although you could also just put some solar panels on every building in the city so each place reduces it's own reliance on the grid...). Also don't forget about geo-thermal power, which is actually useable just about anywhere on the planet with a system of pipes that run deep enough (simplified explanation since this *is* a porn thread). Only real restriction would be areas with underground caves that would destabilize when putting the powersystem in.
Also yay for the new feature, just the thumbnail from the old one was bad enough.
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exceptions are those which preclude political/corporate connections, ie making it on their own. Otherwise, it's business as usual with a differently named economic system.
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Yes that's exactly what they pay their taxes for, who gives a shit about roads and pipelines and basic fucking infrastructure.
Although I must admit if Monkey#2 follows through on this promise here:
Deploy a modern communications infrastructure:
Obama and Biden believe we can get true broadband to every community in America.
it will pretty much reverse my opinion of him.
I'd still prefer to have a 'President-4-lyfe' Ælfred the Great or Alexandr Nevsky however.
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... Algae."
Ok, so I'm paraphrasing, but my point stands.
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It's porn....
What else is there to talk about?
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Artist and people arguing know nothing.
Awesome. Fap time.
Also- Amerikka is pig disgusting
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*votes for Putin*
also anon18 wins for pointing that out. Americans piss me off so much I tend to forget what I was aiming at in the first place along with all my talking points about the superior benefits of a fascist monarchy state. Sorry Mexico!
For another note of trivia: It's green because it was made of copper which changes colour instead of rusting.
visit here for more fun fax!:
Is that the good kind of fascism where we get to stamp down on the filthy untermench and shamelessly extoll the virtues of the white race? Fuck the zionists and their 'multi-culturalism' (read cultural destruction of the white race in general).
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Oh yeah and no more goddamn camps, they leave too much evidence behind, and sob stories for later generations.
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Slav=slavic=ethnicity of most Russian satellites in eastern Europe. Despite their appearance the SS regarded them as the KKK does the new president.
Marxism is the way to go.
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Just blows my fuckin mind
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By the way, speaking of screwing on the way out:
And since Direct Democracies of scale are unfeasible, I'd rather see a Bureaucracy where people are assigned very specific power based on their position in their careers, etc., with plenty of Auditing trails.
I've seen the private sector at work here in the U.S. with Capitalism.
It's amazing. I don't want to lose that.
@Bomber64:This is a porn site, relax, fap, I'm just dicking around.
food for thought.
in any case, this feature is too late now
I think of it as evolution in action: the less successful one is the one that falls by the wayside. Me, I'm just too bright and too well educated to believe in Socialism, or in anything but free-market capitalism -- plus ethics. Ethical behavior makes for better prosperity and better capitalism. Capitalism is that economy that humans practice absent government interference. It's also the only one practiced without government making you do it their way, and you know full well just how efficient government enterprises are.
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^ Thanks for the feature :)
^Malus_X: LOL, honestly wasn't aiming for faps, was aiming for laffs. Seeing heated political debate over something goofy like this though - lulz was has by me :D
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Needs Hitler instead of Bush, though...
lol i just took a break from spore to look at porn