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TagsInuki, Shenzi, The_Lion_King
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Info668x1000 // 316KB // jpg
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Kirapac: lmao this is great
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Anonymous1: This is a win.
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Anonymous2: yes! I'd soo fuck her juicy pussy!
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Lokim: So cute and sexy I want to cuddle her
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Anonymous3: Fuck cuddling her.
I would hit that shit
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dragon: Looks like >>275628 with a vagina stapled on.. poorly.
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Anonymous4: You're a poorly stapled on vagina! D:<
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Anonymous5: If I could fuck the brains out of anything it would be her hands down
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Anonymous6: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous7(6): the eyes her face her everything so beautiful...
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furriehentaiboy16: i would just demolish her under the stars!!!!
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Anonymous8: Id fuck her tight little pussy till my cock snapped off... Shenzi FTW!
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Anonymous9: @ anon3: more like cuddle-fuck
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Anonymous10: The face is beautiful...
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Anonymous11(10): Is there a non pornographic version of this? I know what I'm saying is strange but this is just extremely cute.
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glassfragment: It's all cute and cuddly until you remember her voice...


You're thinking it, you can't unthink it now!
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Anonymous12(10): Who said it had to be the same hyena? There more than 1 female one you know.
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glassfragment: Well, first of all it's tagged as Shenzi, and second, Shenzi is the only female one of the three "main" hyenas of the movie.
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Anonymous13(10): I Have to admit, those were some pretty good point. but what about the fact that the hyena YOU mentioned is an ACTUAL hyena, while this one is moe anamorphic? Now I will admit the whole deal with the names being similar is quite the coincidence, but there have completely different bodies and that's a deal breaker.
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Anonymous14(10): Also, I noticed I made 3 spelling mistakes. I blame these old laptop keys. Point should be changed to points. Moe should be changed to more. There should be changed to they.
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glassfragment: Dude, you're looking way too much into this.
All I'm saying is.... she's the hyena that was voiced by Whoopi Goldberg. I just said that because it might be a turn-off for some people.
i suck yo dick? ;D
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Anonymous15(10): No actually. I'm not mad because I have more sense than that. If you wish to troll people, you're going to have to try harder than that.
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Anonymous16: You people do realize that female hyenas are blasted with so much testosterone in utero that they have pseudo dicks that they have sex/give birth through, right? Just saying she isn't anatomically correct is all.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: "We hyena-girls all have something extra."
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ifuckwowsluts: beautiful sexy and hot i always had the hots for Shenzi

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