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TagsArticuno, Porkyman, Staraptor, Staravia, Starly
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sp4des: lol omg wild articuno. go staraptor use brave bird
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warrior: nah, prolly used Heat Wave to take Articuno down.
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Xeli: Why all rape arti?
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Egret: ^IDK, it's just the natural order of things, I guess...
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Anonymous1: well, from time to time articuno rapes to... don't make me look up that pic, too lazy
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Anonymous2: Articuno may get raped a lot but it still rapes on the battlefield :<
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Anonymous3: can someone translate please?
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Anonymous4: Correctly drawn.
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Anonymous5: Zapadose would use thunder and you die
moltres would melt you with lava
articuno throws ice cubes at you...who would you choose?
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Anonymous6: articuno of course
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Anonymous7: No brainer, articuno, ice cubes are sharp.

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