Titanium: We were served with a noterized DMCA notice signed by lawyers of Drawn-Sex, Tram Pararam, Just Cartoon Dicks, and Cartoon Reality. We are removing their images. They will be DNP status from now on. Please give us some time to remove these. Should take less than an hour.
tl;dr - Drawn-sex is full of dicks. Like this image.
Anonymous76: Indeed, it's not like their art is that great anyway. I really couldn't care less all their stuff gets removed from R34. It just means more space for better art, IMO.
Titanium: BTW, that was over 12000 images we removed. Special thanks to Shish for whipping up a nice short cut. I would have taken many more hours otherwise.
Danielakiiki: Sorry to hear about the DMCA notice Titanium. Once again thaks go out to you, Shish and all the other staff members here for your hard work keeping this site up and running and LEGAL.
duckpenisexpert: Fuck those worthless websites. I think we're just fine without them. Now we don't have to worry about anyone getting eye cancer from shitty Drawn Sex, same shit Just Cartoon Dicks, and overdone Tram Param.
Demonboy: Bunch of prick jobs messing up our fapping. The only decent one was Cartoon Reality, and even they can suck on all of these cocks on this feature.
Anonymous79: Drawn Sex is full of shit anyways, we don't want them here. Good riddance.
I always did like tram tho. I could laugh and masturbate at the same time.
Anonymous83: damn. I missed my window of oppertunity to save some pics. Believe it or not there were alot of Cartoon Reality, DS, and Tram Pararam pics I really liked...but now I'll never get to see them again :(
Anonymous89: It was "noterized" and not notarized? And it was a DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act, I think) of the United States of America?
So,if you respect the rights of the artists, as you state, why are you overreacting to the complaints of their foreign (you're not in the USA, right?) of their incompetent lawyer(s) and/or boilerplate emailers?
I'm pretty sure no-one at the four complainers are American, either. Did the letter begin: "Get out Rule #64 Im Piss?"
Titanium: broman88 - Yes, even your edits. And we didn't want to take our time. We don't get paid for this... I don't want to spend my week nights deleting shit images. And if Zimmerman wants DNP, I'll gradly delete his shit.
Alligator - Apostle is DNP because of drama around "tracing" accusations, not because he sells art.
Titanium: Anon67 - Pardon my misspelling. It was sent by certified mail to our host servers. The next step was court. We aren't going there. I didn't receive the letter, but I imagine it was EU law based.
Anonymous93: You do realize that DMCA notices are null and void if the issuer holds no copyright over the properties in question, right?
i.e., Drawn sex can't claim a copyright on on, say, kim possible, because Only Disney owns the rights TO KP. Technically, Drawn Sex makes money off of another company's intellectual property, which is a major violation of the DMCA itself.
Just thought you guys should know this. Only the original copyright holders of a particular IP can issue a legal DMCA, i.e. if Disney themselves issued a DMCA on Paheal for Kim Possible. Otherwise, it's a bullshit bluff, and you can and should LOL in their fucking face.
Anonymous94: holy shit...
does this mean no more pedro the european-mexican? no more OPS? no more lovable engrish? no more laughably bad art? i pray that some day they will get that stick out of their collective asses and put all the classic pedro pics back up because i swear to god those were the FUNNIEST things i have ever seen in my entire life. i'm not even kidding. i will never, ever forget how hard i laughed at the atlantis strip. sigh...
Titanium: Anon91 - Give us the money to fight it in court and we'd consider it. What people forget about the copyright laws is the Fair Use Clause. I don't know a lot about it, but there's more than you think.
Anonymous98: most people who view from altnernate methods such as wii or dsi need the “image only” feature in order to view pictures because the card on there ds sucks balls. Please return the “image only” feature so some of us can start viewing again. Thank You.
Anonymous99(93): 1. Get DMCA from harblgarbldurrrrToons website
2. Fire back, telling them that you'll tell Disney about their flagrant DMCA violations in making $$$ on Disney's IP without consent
3. ???
4. Why so quiet Tram?
dildy: Drawn-Sex was the main reason why I went on this site. Their pics were fucking hilarious. Copying outbursts in their comic pics as comments was sort of a hobby of mine.
Anonymous105: How can you claim nothing of value was lost? I laughed my ass off Drawn-sex so often, it was pure, condensed entertainment. Drawn-Sex was fun, damnit.
ilr: Oh thank god that shit's finally going away.
...now if only the jap artists who make a dozen different variations of the same fucking boring anime pic spamming the site would do the same
Anonymous106: HOLD UP! Tit, listen to Anon91! This rich font of lol these guys are trying to deprive us of is, and I believe this the legal term, BULLSHIT. Like Anon91 said, THEY aren't the real copyright holders. Hell, no one on the DNP list can claim any legal shit! Not only is it not their intellectual property, but the actual copyright holders can (and will, if anyone narced on them, hint hint) demand that they stop drawing their intellectual property fucking other. Yes, they could defend it by saying it's satire, but they STILL can't touch your asses!
Anonymous107(93): Anon103, they can claim copyright ONLY if the image contains their own character, and does not contain another groups IP.
Draw Kim Possible? You hold no copyright.
Draw Kim and your own character muffing? You still hold no copyright, the image is unauthorized.
Draw your character Felecia such and such in a pinup? You HAVE legal rights to it's distribution.
That's the way it works.
Krawczyk: I got a better idea, don't give us money directly, go find out who Drawn-sex's customers are and bludgeon THEM for money.
If they can afford FORTY DOLLARS A MONTH for the shittiest porn on the net, then surely they can spare a brotha a dime.
Don't believe me? Check this out! http://drawn-sex.com/join.html
SO that is your mission. Secure funding for our fight by depriving the enemy of resources. Think of it as C&C minus the parachuting bears.
Okay okay, if you nab over 50k on the first pass, we'll throw in the parachuting bears! And a cigar smoking horse too!
Anonymous111(89): Alligator & Anon 91, I am Anon 87 -- not 67 as Titanium said ("I am Homer..." says 67), so I *think* Titanium is replying to me on the misspelling of notarized:
An original parody of someone else's copyrighted work is also copyrighted by the parodist: cf. the amusingly smug forward at Literotica.com's celebrities texts: they cite the Hustler vs. Falwell case (READ about this at Wikipedia, etc.: hilarous!) and tell humanity that they, besides the US Supreme Court, also concur. Ie., you'd almost imagine ONLY unitl the webmaster there proclaimed she/he/it agreed with the Supreme Court's ruling is parody safe from the parodized person(s)/intellectual-property-owning-corporate-entity attacks.
BUT, *if* Pahelal was in USA, and, *if*, the 4 whiners about all this were *there* too (the artists and not their email attorney, purportedly), would those parodists' wholly correct copyright to their ownership of the parodies of someone/thing else's copyrighted works then this would all be legal.
But the DMCA is US, not Earth law.
But Pahel's artist don't-post clause exemption doesn't say "and, if you're a lawyer of the artist -- or posing as one/claiming to be one -- we'll also repsect your wishes to not post."
Anyway, the owners of the parodied intellectual property could assert rights over the lame 4 *if* they were ever brave enough to decidie to release all porn versions: Tram's Ariel clowing Eric is an infingement on Disney's The Little Fucking Mermaid vellum-pagged limited edition only 238,444.000 at Amazon.com.
As it is, the 4 are safe and Paheal is embracing a premature internationalism in bowing to US law.
Anonymous112(93): Pornographic images ARE NOT PARODY, in the legal sense. It's just an arbitrary word that artists use to make it seem like they have a right to the character they're drawing.
Those of us that have been around for a while remember Jab and his dealings with Hanna Barbera. They used the DMCA to force him to remove his famous Flintstones/Jetsons/Scooby pics. HB owned the rights to the images, and Jab was required to comply.
Krawczyk: That's wut I'm sayin'
Maybe it's jus because the society I'm from isn't full of litigious crackheads but no matter how much ye explain it I'm certainly never comprehending it.
At the very least we should have offered a duel or bribe!
CM672: Here's the facts: It doesn't matter how right and innocent you are, and it doesn't matter how much bullshit the other guy's claim is made of, fighting legal action takes time and money.
Some fights are worth it, and some are not. Gotta make like electricity and take the path of least resistance sometimes.
That being said, I ain't gonna shed a tear over losing that... 'art'.
Anonymous115(93): Well CM, the fact is simply this- You tell them to fuck off, and that they have no legal authority. And IF they wanna push the issue, you'll be happy to tell Disney about their little scheme of using Disney's Intellectual Property to make money.
You basically tell them to fuck off.
Anonymous117(89): Anon 108, again: Disney owns the copyright to "Dopey," a named character in their wholly legal theft/adaptation of the Brothers Grimm's compliation/theft/adaption of the original creators of "Snow White" (and its many, MANY variants: poor women obliquely warning their daughters about the consequences of their daddy -- and every other fucking man --marrying some murderous slut after Mommy dies in the next childbirth.
A parodist, like the complainers here, can mock this character, Dopey, but Disney who "originated" the name of that dwarf, still owns that copyright. But the depiction of the parody/mockery is, as an image, or as a part of some fan-fiction, you-tube mash up, etc. is copyrighted, in the USA at least, for the parodist. If they draw new art, its pretty clearly thers. If its a mash-up with Disney movie clips, the ambiguity on copyright/parody/fair use is more doubtful.
Paheal is not likely to have the funds/time to fight any particular take down demand.
Paheal's owner(s) is/are not likely to risk personal losses (even prior to winning a legal case, eventually).
I presume, based on their work, if Tram (DNP) or Zimmerman(still not DNP) in particular, are ever to publish a parody of ANY thing in their usual style (lame head on same old body they always use) after my brilliant scheme, they're in big trouble. My scheme (copyrighted, trademarked, patented (not applied for, but still...) in the name of Paheal) is:
-- explain to the media conglomerates the lawyers and lobbyists you got are idiots. For instance, Sonny Bono comically crashed into a ski-hill tree ages ago but they're still billing you for the DMCA enactemnet.
-- they fire off DMCA takedown demands without filtering it through any filters for countries, some of which -- gasp! -- don't kowtow to USA missives
-- if you were to "publish" and make available, at astronomical costs, your own purient versions of whatever humanity's culture you've absconded with so far, with a DVD enclosed with even just one tram/sim type gal with big tits and green-screened head area, you'd have the DCMA *and* Berne convention copyright rights to fuck all them up.
--- all fees for this service to Paheal so they could go to torrents or multiple jurisidiction loacations or something and keep the porn coming.
Krawczyk: I'm looking Bobbo, I'm looking.
I've only found up to may'09
Someone may have to take a hit for the team and pay for next month.
Someone with presumably king-level internets. Cuz that's 1.8 GB of bad art that were vanquished! Yeah, I was incredulous as well!
Anonymous123(89): To Anon 109: Jad didn't concede/precedent-set this issue. Jab dedided not to fight it.
Parody is a pervasively powerful defence to copyright cases: how could you uphold, and continue to maintain, free _political_ speech -- which is the crucial justification of the right to freely communicate-- by asserting copyright issues?
That a single individual's civil law/property concern should trump the whole's communications over the whole's societal/governance concerns? Not likey. And that ownership of the property is only one granted, and somewhat protected, to the individual by the society he or she would seek precedence over.
Hustler vs Falwell is an important case not because it allows us to make fun of the imagined perversions of a preacher's mom but because it asserted anyone can imagine something and communicate that imagination to the debate on ideas.
Anonymous130: Oh well. It's not like I've ever fapped to the drawn-sex and tram crap anyway. That stuff sucked balls. I will, however, miss reading the comments making fun of the "art" and dialog. OPS! SPLASH!
Anonymous131(119): I'd say this proves that US copyright law needs to be completely rewriten. First the Nostalgia critic has to take down his video because of an asswipe who has no legal foot to stand on, and now Paheal. Even though both Paheal and NC were in the right in their respective cases, they could do nothing because they were not assfuckingly rich.
US Copyright law: Making sure he with the most money always wins.
Single copyright holders trumping societies rights? Hmmm...that sounds alot like the many laws trying to be passed in the US the can censor internet sites under the guise of copyright.
The days of free speech will come to an end eventually in the name of "copyright protection".
Anonymous133: Funny how a site full of memes and sex jokes has people who act more mature than "Professionals" on a site full of crappy -pay-to-see- adult doodles
nagger: Can't say I'm sad to see those four go, but fuck the DMCA anyway.
Anon128 is correct. This isn't about legality or rights, this is about money. If someone has more money than you, they can shut you the fuck down for the slightest of reasons and there's very little you can do about it unless you're willing to cough up some money yourself. I've seen it happen (not first hand, thank God) many times that people who could (and probably would) win a legal battle chose not to fight it because they were afraid of the costs involved.
Anonymous139(93): I really wish I knew something about running websites.
I'd make one and act like a total asshole to those that would ask me to DNP their work, or send out DMCAs. Only for 34 stuff though.
The sad part is, not every Tom DICK and Harry will pull the same stunt. Get ready for Paheal to be 99% animu.
Anonymous140(93): lol anon34. THEY CAN'T. That's the joke of this. They're a hole in the wall porn site, in another country. Like they could afford US attorneys.
Anonymous141(93): Well freeze, if you wanna ask a lawyer, you find that Paheal is reacting in a way it doesn't have to. I've personally told artists to fuck off when they came in demanding take downs.
Of course, then again, I'm no stranger to courtrooms, and have no fear of meeting a plaintiff in court over civil litigation.
If Paheal wants to do this, it's most certainly their choice, and I can't demand at all anything, as it's not my place.
I just think that, for once, a site would just give the finger to an asshole.
Palcomix is a perfect example of how to do business in toon porn. Bbmbbf's a classy guy.
Other paysites should adopt similar approaches.
Anonymous146: "Anon. 111 - I will miss those lulz, and god bless the people that pay $40 monthly to see it all."
~ People actually forked over cash to see that Drawn Sex shit? LOL.
Anonymous149(93): I know the solution!
Flood e621 with the stuff. It would be an improvement over there.
Seriously, we need another source for this stuff. Some of it was actually we done, and some of it was hilarious.
Anonymous154: @Anon 91 - In Australia the copyright act states that intellectual property may be copied in cases of parody etc. I'm fairly sure it'd be the same in most countries, except Switzerland, cause they can do anything there.
Anonymous155: I sense a great disturbance in the lulz.
Anyway, this is a great loss. I suppose I could grab that torrent for the DS site rip, but frankly the comments made me lol as much as the actual pictures - if not more. To quote a comment left on 137559 (DS Hercules comic): 'Wow. "Hello! I feel we met later, haven't it?" goes beyond mere engrish. It's like some kind of sublime dadaist poetry.'
Frankly I'm surprised DS even have a lawyer. Why am I picturing Lionel Hutz?
Krawczyk: ZXD: Tit did them all pretty fast, I know I was surprised too.
We probably did lose quite a few that were not theirs. :\
everything about this is just so messed.
Witchan: And by the way, THANK THE FUCKING LORD THAT MOST SHITTY CATEGORY PICS SUCH AS DRAWN-SEX (obvious thieves are obvious), TRAM PARARAN (I always hates his shitty artwork anyway, so yeah), AND CARTOON REALITY (his category turned into a huge joke after see one picture last year).
Anonymous158: o7 i salute to thee rule 34
but on a side note, who the hell would lawyer for drawn sex and tram param, it sounds like they share someone
Anonymous164: Oh god.....all I can hear is screaming in homer's voice. I guess this is what happens when you try and crawl inside your own asshole to travel back in time.
Anonymous165(155): Btw, did we ever find out where Drawn-Sex were from? Word on the street is they're European-Mexican (i.e., Spanish), their website is registered to Gibraltar, in >>25006 Peter Pan is referred to as "Piter" (cf. Russian Питер Piter), and in >>128932 Monterey Jack refers to himself as "Rokky" (cf. Russian Рокки Rokki).
Titanium: For those bitching about Paheal being in the EU, and Drawn-sex being in the US, read up on some of this before you spout "different countries, different laws". The EU is stricter. There are also international copyright laws.
Zakarr: While I won't miss DS or Tram Pararam, those recent Cartoon Reality pics were surprisingly decent. This is what happens when I don't save the pics before hand ;A;
Anonymous169: MY EYES ARE FUCKIN BURNIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anon0: Thank you Titanium, for failing to even try to respond to the many people demanding a torrent of the stuff that was deleted, while at the same time actually managing to appear as though you have something to contribute by pointing at international copyright law, which anyone over the age of 14 knows about.
traffik: "Thank you Titanium, for failing to even try to respond to the many people demanding a torrent of the stuff that was deleted..."
Wow, ungrateful much? The guy already does a lot for this site, in case you haven't noticed. It's not his job to cater to your 'demands' just because *you* weren't smart enough to save the images you liked.
Anonymous178: DON'T fight the DMCA. You do not have the time or money, and from teh reaction it seems we're better off without them anyway.
HOWEVER... Everybody else? DO send the Disney Corp. (and other copyright holders) anonymous letters directing them to the sites of these fuckers who are profiting from making these images and sending out bullshit DMCA orders.
(Just don't mention paheal at all, unless you're a moron.)
Disney DOES have the time and the money.
Even if we hate their art... hubris should be punished.
RebelKomodo: The only things I'll miss are that hilarious Naruto comic with Meximaru and that surprisingly decent picture of Guren and Naruto. Other than that, meh. I'm good because I've gone and made three commissions that will be awesome... :3
... Did you have to feature this though, Titanium?
Anonymous187: @traffik: oh right, because bookmarking the search results listing pages for those things, on a site I thought I could trust to keep it safe.
sorry if I sounded ungrateful however, you may have a point there.
traffik: "...on a site I thought I could trust to keep it safe."
It's not a question of trust. If the site gets hit with a legal threat like that, what exactly do you propose they do about it? Ignore it? Fight it? Either would likely result in the end of the site altogether. Is that a preferable outcome? The site didn't want this; the site didn't do this. What the site *does* do is provide you with free entertainment, lulz, and fapping material. A lot of people are upset over what happened, and it's OK to *be* upset-- just make sure you're not taking out on the wrong people.
Krawczyk: D-S didn't take up that much memory, actually...only about 150-250kb a pic.
Contrast that with the ridiculous variants going from 600-1.5MB per pic
Riesz weighs about sixteen times as much as D-S with a third of the pictures.
Yes, you herd me.
*shakes fists at pl0x*
Anonymous188(93): You ignore it traffik.
This site has no legal obligations to comply with a takedown notice from any site that uses the IPs of various media companies.
They have no say over the images.
Think of it this way- Warner Bros could sue you for holding an unauthorized showing of The Matrix to an audience, a copy you OWN, but Blockbuster could NOT sue you, even though they rent the film.
Blockbuster has no legal rights to the film, except rental rights.
DS is like Blockbuster.
You wouldn't have to worry about court. Just fire off some emails to the issuing legal authorities, stating that DS has no legal rights to the images in question, because the characters are copyrighted to Disney/whoever.
There's a reason that Paheal is actually legally in the right over the images, because Paheal does not use the images as a source of capital. The only party allowed to make capital on Disney-themed material, LEGALLY, would be Disney and it's affiliates.
And besides, lolawyers? DS has lawyers? That's a hot one. Lot's of lulz in that sector.
jaycro: and as 2012 moves closer we begin to lose our power to fight back first our ability to share then our privacy then our porn then our privacy soon all our rights fade into fine print written into laws
so i say onto thee gather thy weapons take to the streets prepare to fight
traffik: I do understand what you're getting at, A184, but if *you* were the one running the site that was served with the DMCA, would you be *so* sure of the legal ins & outs that you'd be willing to risk the possibility of lengthy and costly court proceedings? See, it's easy for you and for me and for almost everybody else to speculate on these issues, but the people who run the site are in the unenviable position of it being a *real-life* situation. I'm all for stickin' it to the man, but I sure as hell can't say that I wouldn't back down-- and until *you've* been confronted with the same set of circumstances, neither can you, really.
Anonymous189(93): Well, I can't blame the guys for complying the the DMCAs traffik. I, personally, wouldn't have, but then again, a little civil litigation is fun. I'd be willing to ensure I won the fight.
But, I don't know what Shish's situation is.
I used to help run a smalltime yahoo group back in the day before yahoo bawleted all the adult groups in the mass purge of 2003(or was it 04?).
We got threats from paysites that were big at the time, and we told them to fuck off, putting it straight to them, that THEY were the ones in violation of copyright through charging a fee for their shit.
Ironically, you almost never hear of actual IP owners like Disney going after toon porn makers. Jab's HB fiasco, and the recent snafu with Wakfu and Hentai-Foundry come to mind.
Like I said earlier, I applaud BBMBBF for being a classy act in the way he runs his business.
The biggest thing for me though, is that goddamn DMCA. I've loathed that shit for the ease in which some random nobody can toss it out and get things taken down without no real examination.
Thank god ACTA is dead. That would've made things so much worse.
Anonymous190: Jaycro, you're tying DMCA notices with that bogus 2012 crap!? Give me a break. Have fun running around in the streets with weapons while everyone else going about their day to day wonders what the fuck is wrong with you!
Anonymous192: Over 9000 comments expressing sadness over the loss of pictures people only liked because of how horrible they actually were? Yeah, just another day on Paheal.
Anonymous194: Truly a great loss for Paheal, their art will be mis- pffffahahaha, I can't do this. Even if the occasional pic from them had some comedic value, overall their stuff was fucking terrible. Good riddance indeed.
Titanium: @anon0 - Are you suggesting I make a torrent of all the shit we deleted? Imaging we were talking about something other than images... "No officer, I don't have all that stolen stuff... I gave it to my brother!" Idiot.
@Anon174 - :)
@traffik - You got it right.
@Anon184 - We can ignore it all we want. Our host won't. Also, I personally don't want to jepordize my career by going to court over the worst cartoon porn available on the interbutts. Neither does wiiaboo.
Anonymous196: If you want a DS fix bad enough you can find it, and for free. The great thing about the internet is that you can never truly scrape anything from it. Uniformed officers could descend upon the Paheal servers, while a guy in a windbreaker with an 80s mustache shows up at Tit's front door in an unmarked panel van, and the 34 would still go on. The only loss here is all of the comments that accompanied the pics.
Anonymous199: Actually, i'm curious: should sites that focus entirely on copyrighted character porn really be all that anal about copyright laws for thier own stuff?
There was this one Mulan pic... that made me laugh for over 15 minutes straight It's the only pic of theirs I ever liked, because it was just that damn funny.
Pangolinx: Fractal Penis Homer is simultaniously aroused and frightened by everything.
The only thing I think I'll miss from DS are those Teen Titan comics that had a kind of Aeon Flux feel to them. Maybe I'll find the real artist someday.
Anonymous222: This's what happens when you charge your laser too much. >_> Yes, that's right. You and your genitalia multiply and your son turns into a fat green blob. Well done, OP. Well done.
Anonymous224(94): Just checked out the ED page. I will always regret not seeing the awesome jokes you guys came up with for "I FUCK TOYS FROM MY CHILDHOOD!". Oh well. At least I'll always remember "My best friend is being sliced with a hunting knife. *rolls eyes*". Whoever wrote that, I love you for being awesome.
Anonymous229(94): Breaking news! For those of you wanting to see some of the stuff that was DNP-ed, it seems they didn't say anything about having their stuff on xbooru. Hinty hint hint.
Anonymous233(232): i wonder if someone would be stupid enough to try an DMCA youtube. I can only imagine youtube walking up to their home, punching them in the face and writing retard on their forehead with permanent marker.
ZB: ENCYCLOPEDIA DRAMATICA SPEAKS THE TRUTH AND ONLY THE TRUTH! I never liked DS when I stumbled upon the first picture... the BART GET OUT IM PISS one...
ZB: Titanium... how on earth did they contact you? I thought the creator of Drawn Sex and so many others might of committed suicide because they were the laughing stock of the internet. Your telling me they run companies?!
Krawczyk: Anon232: Read up, nope. Started the mail off with "Hey, stupids!" and went downhill from there.
Personally I would have kept it up to spite them until the host got involved with a request like that. Now they'll just be bigger (cartoon) dicks to everyone else!
ZB: @Titanium: You shitting me?! I have an urge feeling that someone is gonna nuke that company and lots of dicks and OPS will fly all over America. What is the name of this company...? I must do a research on them...
I want to frame it and hang it up in my mother's bathroom.
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Its juuuust right.
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also FAT BART made me crap my pants
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tl;dr - Drawn-sex is full of dicks. Like this image.
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I always did like tram tho. I could laugh and masturbate at the same time.
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i can't say im happy neither im sad because you deleted the drawn sex pics
btw the only worth thing about those pics was the lulz.
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God they're retarded.
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The toddlercon removal and now this. Rule34 is getting hit left and right. I hope this isn't becoming a trend.
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Pretty much expresses my take on the situation.
So,if you respect the rights of the artists, as you state, why are you overreacting to the complaints of their foreign (you're not in the USA, right?) of their incompetent lawyer(s) and/or boilerplate emailers?
I'm pretty sure no-one at the four complainers are American, either. Did the letter begin: "Get out Rule #64 Im Piss?"
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Alligator - Apostle is DNP because of drama around "tracing" accusations, not because he sells art.
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what about ujiko's art not all of it was drawn sex
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On the whole, good riddance. How much space did that free up?
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ain't give a shit, nothing of value lost, etc.
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And if somehow we got a ban on CG Sets (ohpleaseohplease) along with this, that's rpobably 20% of the servers cleared up.
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i.e., Drawn sex can't claim a copyright on on, say, kim possible, because Only Disney owns the rights TO KP. Technically, Drawn Sex makes money off of another company's intellectual property, which is a major violation of the DMCA itself.
Just thought you guys should know this. Only the original copyright holders of a particular IP can issue a legal DMCA, i.e. if Disney themselves issued a DMCA on Paheal for Kim Possible. Otherwise, it's a bullshit bluff, and you can and should LOL in their fucking face.
Just thought you guys should know.
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does this mean no more pedro the european-mexican? no more OPS? no more lovable engrish? no more laughably bad art? i pray that some day they will get that stick out of their collective asses and put all the classic pedro pics back up because i swear to god those were the FUNNIEST things i have ever seen in my entire life. i'm not even kidding. i will never, ever forget how hard i laughed at the atlantis strip. sigh...
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@Freezer - I don't see anything about modifying buttons in any of the announcements.
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2. Fire back, telling them that you'll tell Disney about their flagrant DMCA violations in making $$$ on Disney's IP without consent
3. ???
4. Why so quiet Tram?
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Oh yeach, baby, I'm almost here!
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...now if only the jap artists who make a dozen different variations of the same fucking boring anime pic spamming the site would do the same
Draw Kim Possible? You hold no copyright.
Draw Kim and your own character muffing? You still hold no copyright, the image is unauthorized.
Draw your character Felecia such and such in a pinup? You HAVE legal rights to it's distribution.
That's the way it works.
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If they can afford FORTY DOLLARS A MONTH for the shittiest porn on the net, then surely they can spare a brotha a dime.
Don't believe me? Check this out! http://drawn-sex.com/join.html
SO that is your mission. Secure funding for our fight by depriving the enemy of resources. Think of it as C&C minus the parachuting bears.
Okay okay, if you nab over 50k on the first pass, we'll throw in the parachuting bears! And a cigar smoking horse too!
Will that sucks.
An original parody of someone else's copyrighted work is also copyrighted by the parodist: cf. the amusingly smug forward at Literotica.com's celebrities texts: they cite the Hustler vs. Falwell case (READ about this at Wikipedia, etc.: hilarous!) and tell humanity that they, besides the US Supreme Court, also concur. Ie., you'd almost imagine ONLY unitl the webmaster there proclaimed she/he/it agreed with the Supreme Court's ruling is parody safe from the parodized person(s)/intellectual-property-owning-corporate-entity attacks.
BUT, *if* Pahelal was in USA, and, *if*, the 4 whiners about all this were *there* too (the artists and not their email attorney, purportedly), would those parodists' wholly correct copyright to their ownership of the parodies of someone/thing else's copyrighted works then this would all be legal.
But the DMCA is US, not Earth law.
But Pahel's artist don't-post clause exemption doesn't say "and, if you're a lawyer of the artist -- or posing as one/claiming to be one -- we'll also repsect your wishes to not post."
Anyway, the owners of the parodied intellectual property could assert rights over the lame 4 *if* they were ever brave enough to decidie to release all porn versions: Tram's Ariel clowing Eric is an infingement on Disney's The Little Fucking Mermaid vellum-pagged limited edition only 238,444.000 at Amazon.com.
As it is, the 4 are safe and Paheal is embracing a premature internationalism in bowing to US law.
Those of us that have been around for a while remember Jab and his dealings with Hanna Barbera. They used the DMCA to force him to remove his famous Flintstones/Jetsons/Scooby pics. HB owned the rights to the images, and Jab was required to comply.
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just cartoon dicks and tram were my faves, with the others a close second.
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Maybe it's jus because the society I'm from isn't full of litigious crackheads but no matter how much ye explain it I'm certainly never comprehending it.
At the very least we should have offered a duel or bribe!
Some fights are worth it, and some are not. Gotta make like electricity and take the path of least resistance sometimes.
That being said, I ain't gonna shed a tear over losing that... 'art'.
I wonder.
I will miss those lulz, and god bless the people that pay $40 monthly to see it all.
You basically tell them to fuck off.
I'm so horribly confused.
A parodist, like the complainers here, can mock this character, Dopey, but Disney who "originated" the name of that dwarf, still owns that copyright. But the depiction of the parody/mockery is, as an image, or as a part of some fan-fiction, you-tube mash up, etc. is copyrighted, in the USA at least, for the parodist. If they draw new art, its pretty clearly thers. If its a mash-up with Disney movie clips, the ambiguity on copyright/parody/fair use is more doubtful.
Paheal is not likely to have the funds/time to fight any particular take down demand.
Paheal's owner(s) is/are not likely to risk personal losses (even prior to winning a legal case, eventually).
I presume, based on their work, if Tram (DNP) or Zimmerman(still not DNP) in particular, are ever to publish a parody of ANY thing in their usual style (lame head on same old body they always use) after my brilliant scheme, they're in big trouble. My scheme (copyrighted, trademarked, patented (not applied for, but still...) in the name of Paheal) is:
-- explain to the media conglomerates the lawyers and lobbyists you got are idiots. For instance, Sonny Bono comically crashed into a ski-hill tree ages ago but they're still billing you for the DMCA enactemnet.
-- they fire off DMCA takedown demands without filtering it through any filters for countries, some of which -- gasp! -- don't kowtow to USA missives
-- if you were to "publish" and make available, at astronomical costs, your own purient versions of whatever humanity's culture you've absconded with so far, with a DVD enclosed with even just one tram/sim type gal with big tits and green-screened head area, you'd have the DCMA *and* Berne convention copyright rights to fuck all them up.
--- all fees for this service to Paheal so they could go to torrents or multiple jurisidiction loacations or something and keep the porn coming.
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*pops some transsexual dark eldar in*
if you want lulz
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I've only found up to may'09
Someone may have to take a hit for the team and pay for next month.
Someone with presumably king-level internets. Cuz that's 1.8 GB of bad art that were vanquished! Yeah, I was incredulous as well!
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Parody is a pervasively powerful defence to copyright cases: how could you uphold, and continue to maintain, free _political_ speech -- which is the crucial justification of the right to freely communicate-- by asserting copyright issues?
That a single individual's civil law/property concern should trump the whole's communications over the whole's societal/governance concerns? Not likey. And that ownership of the property is only one granted, and somewhat protected, to the individual by the society he or she would seek precedence over.
Hustler vs Falwell is an important case not because it allows us to make fun of the imagined perversions of a preacher's mom but because it asserted anyone can imagine something and communicate that imagination to the debate on ideas.
Comrades, post them anyways! Resist censorship! By the time they are done, there will be nothing left to post.
US Copyright law: Making sure he with the most money always wins.
Single copyright holders trumping societies rights? Hmmm...that sounds alot like the many laws trying to be passed in the US the can censor internet sites under the guise of copyright.
The days of free speech will come to an end eventually in the name of "copyright protection".
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Anon128 is correct. This isn't about legality or rights, this is about money. If someone has more money than you, they can shut you the fuck down for the slightest of reasons and there's very little you can do about it unless you're willing to cough up some money yourself. I've seen it happen (not first hand, thank God) many times that people who could (and probably would) win a legal battle chose not to fight it because they were afraid of the costs involved.
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I'd make one and act like a total asshole to those that would ask me to DNP their work, or send out DMCAs. Only for 34 stuff though.
The sad part is, not every Tom DICK and Harry will pull the same stunt. Get ready for Paheal to be 99% animu.
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Of course, then again, I'm no stranger to courtrooms, and have no fear of meeting a plaintiff in court over civil litigation.
If Paheal wants to do this, it's most certainly their choice, and I can't demand at all anything, as it's not my place.
I just think that, for once, a site would just give the finger to an asshole.
Palcomix is a perfect example of how to do business in toon porn. Bbmbbf's a classy guy.
Other paysites should adopt similar approaches.
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it's not illegal if they can't prove it.
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~ People actually forked over cash to see that Drawn Sex shit? LOL.
And yet we've lost nothing.
Flood e621 with the stuff. It would be an improvement over there.
Seriously, we need another source for this stuff. Some of it was actually we done, and some of it was hilarious.
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Still, oh well.
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Anyway, this is a great loss. I suppose I could grab that torrent for the DS site rip, but frankly the comments made me lol as much as the actual pictures - if not more. To quote a comment left on 137559 (DS Hercules comic): 'Wow. "Hello! I feel we met later, haven't it?" goes beyond mere engrish. It's like some kind of sublime dadaist poetry.'
Frankly I'm surprised DS even have a lawyer. Why am I picturing Lionel Hutz?
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We probably did lose quite a few that were not theirs. :\
everything about this is just so messed.
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but on a side note, who the hell would lawyer for drawn sex and tram param, it sounds like they share someone
That sucks,Now we can't laugh at them...
Lawyer 1: I'm a lawyer for Microsoft
Lawyer 2: Well im a lawyer for Pepsi
Lawyer 3: I'm a lawyer for Tram Pararan.
1&2: what's that?
3: Its a... cartoon porn site.
1&2: You're weird man. *steps back, then runs away*
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Legendary... I'm now going to the emergency eyewash station.
Wow, ungrateful much? The guy already does a lot for this site, in case you haven't noticed. It's not his job to cater to your 'demands' just because *you* weren't smart enough to save the images you liked.
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Ah well, better to just flush the toilet I suppose instead of rooting around for something salvageable in a tag full of turds.
I think the people of DS have the same voice of Tommy Wassiu.
OPS! Yeach! Splash!
What is this? I don't even.....
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HOWEVER... Everybody else? DO send the Disney Corp. (and other copyright holders) anonymous letters directing them to the sites of these fuckers who are profiting from making these images and sending out bullshit DMCA orders.
(Just don't mention paheal at all, unless you're a moron.)
Disney DOES have the time and the money.
Even if we hate their art... hubris should be punished.
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... Did you have to feature this though, Titanium?
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...and nothing of value was lost.
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Regarding pic: ...
I got nothin'.
sorry if I sounded ungrateful however, you may have a point there.
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It's not a question of trust. If the site gets hit with a legal threat like that, what exactly do you propose they do about it? Ignore it? Fight it? Either would likely result in the end of the site altogether. Is that a preferable outcome? The site didn't want this; the site didn't do this. What the site *does* do is provide you with free entertainment, lulz, and fapping material. A lot of people are upset over what happened, and it's OK to *be* upset-- just make sure you're not taking out on the wrong people.
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Contrast that with the ridiculous variants going from 600-1.5MB per pic
Riesz weighs about sixteen times as much as D-S with a third of the pictures.
Yes, you herd me.
*shakes fists at pl0x*
This site has no legal obligations to comply with a takedown notice from any site that uses the IPs of various media companies.
They have no say over the images.
Think of it this way- Warner Bros could sue you for holding an unauthorized showing of The Matrix to an audience, a copy you OWN, but Blockbuster could NOT sue you, even though they rent the film.
Blockbuster has no legal rights to the film, except rental rights.
DS is like Blockbuster.
You wouldn't have to worry about court. Just fire off some emails to the issuing legal authorities, stating that DS has no legal rights to the images in question, because the characters are copyrighted to Disney/whoever.
There's a reason that Paheal is actually legally in the right over the images, because Paheal does not use the images as a source of capital. The only party allowed to make capital on Disney-themed material, LEGALLY, would be Disney and it's affiliates.
And besides, lolawyers? DS has lawyers? That's a hot one. Lot's of lulz in that sector.
so i say onto thee gather thy weapons take to the streets prepare to fight
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Calm down bro.
But, I don't know what Shish's situation is.
I used to help run a smalltime yahoo group back in the day before yahoo bawleted all the adult groups in the mass purge of 2003(or was it 04?).
We got threats from paysites that were big at the time, and we told them to fuck off, putting it straight to them, that THEY were the ones in violation of copyright through charging a fee for their shit.
Ironically, you almost never hear of actual IP owners like Disney going after toon porn makers. Jab's HB fiasco, and the recent snafu with Wakfu and Hentai-Foundry come to mind.
Like I said earlier, I applaud BBMBBF for being a classy act in the way he runs his business.
The biggest thing for me though, is that goddamn DMCA. I've loathed that shit for the ease in which some random nobody can toss it out and get things taken down without no real examination.
Thank god ACTA is dead. That would've made things so much worse.
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@Anon174 - :)
@traffik - You got it right.
@Anon184 - We can ignore it all we want. Our host won't. Also, I personally don't want to jepordize my career by going to court over the worst cartoon porn available on the interbutts. Neither does wiiaboo.
well most torrents are illegal anyway and unless you announce it who would knows that cares?
I don't as I have another site that has the images anyway.
Eat a dick.
Then, is a sick.
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Warrior and Titanium... yall should take a peek at this too
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ED speaks the truth.
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There was this one Mulan pic... that made me laugh for over 15 minutes straight It's the only pic of theirs I ever liked, because it was just that damn funny.
in the meantime what the fuck spawned this? also i heard someone say that a thread started this, is there an archive?
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The only thing I think I'll miss from DS are those Teen Titan comics that had a kind of Aeon Flux feel to them. Maybe I'll find the real artist someday.
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On a lesser note, lol the crap pics are gone! All hail hypnotoad!
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The tragedy here was they felt they needed to get a lawyer involved. Did they even bother to ask nicely before doing that?
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Personally I would have kept it up to spite them until the host got involved with a request like that. Now they'll just be bigger (cartoon) dicks to everyone else!
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Also image 10886 is by DrawnSex and is quite diseased ! <<10886>>
Topic Killer
Nice butthurt there, bro.
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