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Uploaderwarrior, avatar
TagsMinus8, Minus8-kun, Paheal, animated
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Info513x525 // 474KB // gif
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warrior: This got deleted, but it does count as 34, so I brought it back.
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Rule34d: He looks like a pillow biter to me.
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pomponio: It counts as 34? how?
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Rule34d: Because -8 and warrior are bffs.
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Rat: lol at most wrong score ever, should be -8
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Rule34d: Rat, on IRC you must get. Must to discuss we have.
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Kyhin: I like how he's a floating stomach.
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Anonymous1: i like how hes getting fucked up the ass
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tyciol: lol floating stomach whitespace. I am gay for this shota.
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Anonymous2: Actually Kyhin, it's just a floating semi-circle with a rod attached.
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Anonymous3: Needs Cum!
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Anonymous4: At Paheal it's rule 34 if one of warrior's circle jerk buddies drew it!
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Titanium: It's his netsona, and he's a Paheal member... just like Rat's netsona can stay, so can this.
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Anonymous5: That's... pretty goddamn gay. As long as I'm signed up with your little circlejerk club I can upload all the fancharacters I want?
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craggle: its not a fancharacter, it's 34 of the person who is here. if you were signed up and became known enough for 34 to apply to you, you might have one version of you 34ed, but you couldnt upload as many fancharacters as you want.
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Anonymous6(5): "known enough for 34 to apply to you" is as arbitrary as it gets. It pretty much translates into "if you're in our little circlejerk club", as I said before. It's a character made up by the artist himself, and last time I checked that wasn't allowed. Sure it's meant to represent himself, but so is every fucking fursona out there. Want to open up those floodgates?

If Titanium says it's ok then it's ok, but just because arbitrary faggotry like this is legal doesn't make it any less gay.
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craggle: tl;dr. if you don't like it, you can go somewhere else for your fucking 34 porn.
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Anonymous7(5): What part of "If Titanium says it's ok then it's ok" do you fail to understand?
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Anonymous8(5): If you didn't have too many cocks up your mouth to read three lines of text, you would have noticed the "If Titanium says it's ok then it's ok" part.

Not saying the admins don't have every right to do this if they want to, just pointing out the hypocrisy of it. Take that as you want or just ignore it.
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Anonymous9(5): Hm, there's really something up with my doubleposting... is this a problem on the site's end or is it something with my connection?
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craggle: i think the problem is that you're a whiny douchebag. That problem would be solved if you stopped posting at all.
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Anonymous10(5): Ohoho, sound like someone got his dick stepped on. What's the matter kid, brain don't work so you go straight for the ad hominem?
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Anonymous11: but anon5, there IS 34 of you err I mean me.
I think everyone here knows me very much, I mean seriously, who doesn't know anon.
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Anonymous12: Minus8 is fucking awesome.
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Anonymous13: isnt rule 34: If it exists, theres porn of it....well -8 exists, and heres porn of it...rule 34
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Anonymous14: minus8... making the world a better place... one picture at a time.
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tyciol: I still find this hotter than a large number of lolis.
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Anonymous15: soooooooo i am normally not into black men in any form but i want -8's man babies.
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Anonymous16: When it's deep in their he starts quivering...I like dat shit
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Anonymous17: Christ, this may be the worst page on this site.
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Anonymous18(17): @craggle: Why so mad, dad?
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Anonymous19: this is a load o shit
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Anonymous20: I'd fuck him... like one or two times. Then i'd get back to work cause people aren't usually horny for 12 hours straight.
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Anonymous21: I want fuck him, so hot

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