Anonymous4: It's like you know those retarded heterochromia demotivationals where they go "Imagine getting a blowjob with those eyes looking up at you"? Bon Bon's eyes, her eyes man. The heterochromia eyes just don't compare.
Anonymous9: I have the original comics, and Bon-Bon was a guy.
But in the movie, the character looked and sounded like a chick, so make of that what you will.
And before someone asks for proof, I don't have a
scanner, nor where to find the comics online.
(remove spaces as needed)
Bon Bon the Candy Kid is in fact a boy. As you can see, he was still very effeminate. In fact, maybe even more-so than in the movie. There is NOTHING in the movie that contradicts him being a boy, so therefore Bon Bon is a boy.
And him being voiced by a female VA is no contradiction either, so don't even try. >:)
Anonymous11: @anon9: Okay, Bonbon is NOT a princess. I don't care what the game says. He works for Princess Camille in the movie. Besides, I hardly think the game would be canon, considering it was based on the movie which in turn was inspired by the original comic strip.
- Reply
- Reply
But in the movie, the character looked and sounded like a chick, so make of that what you will.
And before someone asks for proof, I don't have a
scanner, nor where to find the comics online.
(remove spaces as needed)
Bon Bon the Candy Kid is in fact a boy. As you can see, he was still very effeminate. In fact, maybe even more-so than in the movie. There is NOTHING in the movie that contradicts him being a boy, so therefore Bon Bon is a boy.
And him being voiced by a female VA is no contradiction either, so don't even try. >:)