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UploaderUncensored_Loli, avatar
TagsEarthBound, Lucas, Mother, Mother_3, Rice-chan, Wendy, Wendy's, crossover, mascots
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Info2100x2700 // 3.8MB // png
- Reply
GoodPorn: perfect
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Anonymous1: before I clicked on this, I jokingly thought it looked like lucas fucking wendy, then looked at the tags and found out it actually was. im not dissapointed.
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Anonymous2: Damn, even Lucas want some of that beef.
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Anonymous3: end me please
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Noka: ...So you tagged this Super_Smash_Bros. WHY, exactly?
- Reply
Anonymous4: That’s not lucas you dense mf’s thats ronald mcdonald LOL
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Anonymous5: get em ronald

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