Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content. Uploaderstopit, October 14, 2008; 02:42TagsTenchi_Muyo, Tsunami, stopitSource LinkUnknownLockedNoInfo579x610 // 530KB // png October 14, 2008; 03:25 - Reply El_Maestro_Misterio: Well... she does have two circles on her forehead, I'll give you that. Was that the only distinguishing characteristic you noticed about her? Because this is some massive fail right here. October 14, 2008; 03:28 - Reply Anonymous1: stop fucking drawing October 14, 2008; 03:29 - Reply sadoul: Applicable artist name is applicable. October 14, 2008; 03:32 - Reply LadyStardust: Is that a twinky? October 14, 2008; 03:49 - Reply Krawczyk: I like how the things in her ass are just C&Ped in there. October 14, 2008; 03:51 - Reply stopit: what, you expect me to draw things? that takes time and time = money and money is the root of all evil you fucking racist. October 14, 2008; 04:31 - Reply Voltio: lolwut!? August 17, 2009; 09:33 - Reply Anonymous2: uummmmmm... January 24, 2013; 02:13 - Reply Anonymous3: My God. Please put the pencil down and step away from the computer! Report an ad?
Was that the only distinguishing characteristic you noticed about her? Because this is some massive fail right here.
- Reply
that takes time
and time = money
and money is the root of all evil
you fucking racist.