Urbane_Guerrilla: Get back to us when you can draw representations, not put down symbols, Cclarke. That should take about twenty years, or until Cclarke learns to draw. Whichever comes first.
Anonymous5: No, it hasn't, 4. It hasn't even reached it. In order to be so bad it's funny, it has to create a level of awkwardness enough to make me laugh to relieve tension, then the laughter will cause hilarity, as James-Lange preaches. This is just... bad. Like, it doesn't make me feel awkward, just disgusted. It has not nor will ever reach the level of so bad it's funny, because it's in a different league altogether.
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cclarke your pictures suck beyond what can be described!
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I demand MOAR.
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Jesus dude.
Well, he beats Christian W. Chandler
This has gone beyond "so bad it's funny."
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No, fuck this report. Report abuse is a bannable offense, so I would advise not doing that again.