Anonymous5: It's beastiality. Furs walk on two legs, walk, talk, and etc. Druids in their forms can do none of those.
If you need a demonstration.. theres a cave with cenarion druids in it in Blades Edge.. the cat that stelths there can't speak bit instead growls his words.
Anonymous10: ok, anon 4 its not beastiality as in it does not include a human being having sex, its furry because they have human like qualitys and theyre just in forms that still goes upon walking on two legs and talking, druid sex is always considered furry anyhow
Anonymous12: No, you attractive and successful African. A horse fucking a horse isn't bestiality, a human fucking a horse is. Get the picture? Also, the guy who draws this is a furry. Dipshit.
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If you need a demonstration.. theres a cave with cenarion druids in it in Blades Edge.. the cat that stelths there can't speak bit instead growls his words.
Bestiality = sex involving animals that do not have anthropomorphic or "humanized" characteristics.
Druids in shapeshifted form are not bizzare "were-forms" that are "manimals."
It's all bestial, baby.