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Uiridium_Chimera: When I first inked this one, I legitimately thought that it was Terri, and not Jessica. Since it still fits so well, I figured I'd upload the alt version anyways.

The one with Jessica is here:

And the original by
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Uiridium_Chimera: And the original by FairyCosmo is here:
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BlackHole: Sherri/Terri's eyes and nose are quite different from Jessica's. But asides from that, a pretty decent job!
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Anonymous1: You got to do a crisper job coloring, there's still an annoying fringe of unfilled white pixels floating around most of the outline of Lisa's body and Terri's tongue. Always spend a little more time fixing details like that before you call it quits and deem something "done." That is an easy fix too, don't be lazy like Prince Clark.
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Uiridium_Chimera: It's much more noticeable on the default view here on rule34 than it is normally. Probably something to do with the way they're resizing and stretching the image.
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Uiridium_Chimera: I can go over it more later, but some of the problems existed from the start. While this was a very well drawn image, it was also very "raw" tbh, and FairyCosmo could have cleaned it up a bit. I actually got rid of most of the errant lines as I colored this.

But I can go over the image again later and fix some more of the issues. *Shrug*
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Anonymous2: - After the nuclear power plant radiation drinking water contamination. Jessica, now being a closet Butch Dyke Lesbian was thrilled to find out that Bart was really submisive Barteana under her boyish clothes and makeup. And she couldn't wait to drive her enlarged radiation mutated clit dick into Bartina's tight pussy and get her rocks off with a big cum.
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Kevin_p: I will bang tarrie in the ass wile she fucks lesa in that sweet pussy will playing wich lisa pussy or ass hole
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Anonymous3: Don't look like eather twin.

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