Anonymous4: what the hell is wrong with you anon3?
i want mission's 14 year old blue ass as much as the next dirty fuck, but for christ sake, it's Visas!
Anonymous5(2): Why fight? We should get all of the kotor girls at the same time. Bastila, Misssion, Juhani, Yuthura, Visas, Brianna, Mira... those Twi'lek Sun sisters... :D
Drunken_Gremlin: lol. Mission spends the game slaughtering whatever you come across and throwing jealous hissy fits whenever any other woman shows the slightest interest in her brother but is not allowed to have any sexual feelings?
Not my thing though as for some reason I have never cared for Rutian twi'leks. Aayla Secura is an exception, of course ^_^
Anonymous18: Anonymous 18 ur an asshole and anonymous 15 ur either colour blind or retarded Handmaiden is suppose to be pale white shes echani (spelling may be wrong sorry) and half human I think. So get ur facts right or dont post incorrect shit.
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i want mission's 14 year old blue ass as much as the next dirty fuck, but for christ sake, it's Visas!
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Not my thing though as for some reason I have never cared for Rutian twi'leks. Aayla Secura is an exception, of course ^_^
13: Emphatic yes
16: Faggot
9, 10, 11, 12, 21: Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes