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Anonymous1: Gloriously Hot ! :3
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Anonymous2: Nowadays, She owns her own exclusive Brothel, with select clientele, from all over the world, and, all time periods. Even the guy who first cut off Her head is allowed in, happily, since He was the FIRST to show her there was a way around the Curse placed on her! Nowadays, those who can get past Her test, are given a pair of Polarized Shade, which negate the petrifying effect emanating from Her eyes/facial region. Over the centuries, there has only been one accident from anyone wearing those glasses, and, that was someone pumping into her so powerfully, from behind, that Hir Glasses flew off, and, shattered! She's still in that room, and, everyday, Medusa, comes there, to have s e x with HIR, again. Helps to while away the centuries, while otherwise immobilized.
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Anonymous3: Perfect :3
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Anonymous4: shes got cute old lady tits *suckle suckle*
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Anonymous5(4): shes got cute old lady tits, suckle suckle