Anonymous-1: The cube is a sponge filter, the squigly hose pumps the water back down through the filter and then is sent out the straight hose, making a fountain effect. The sponge cube is inside her Womb and both hoses are going through her Cervix.
And yes, her ovaries are filled with water. God this is awesome. :D
ReturnOfOctobot: ...whaaat? Is this seriously someone's fetish (ie birdbath vagina)? Or did someone just take a bet that they would draw something like this?
Man_in_The_Rain: This is the work of mr. Hat and Clogs(i dont care what his real name was when he was a cap he is Mr. Hat and clogs)... "This is the new way to wash you gegi...It works better if you do it in a large opne space and have someone help you with the ropes and this here helps clean you mouth somake sure thay put it all on tight."
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And yes, her ovaries are filled with water. God this is awesome. :D
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Actually, it kinda LOOKS like som's art too O_o
Either way, lol
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