Urbane_Guerrilla: No, Cclarke, you need both art classes and to lose your virginity before you'll ever make it as a pornographer. Now get cracking on those art classes!
Urbane_Guerrilla: Nope. Too old to be impressed with either your immaturity -- or your "artistic" style. Get thee to an art class and stop annoying the adults.
Krawczyk: Actually that was a goofy movie reference in response to your comments to UG. :Þ
I was going to post a link to it on badmovies.org but the site keeps timing out for me.
Anonymous6: I think you need to actually watch the canon of what you're claiming to make 34 of before you submit. Or at least see some good screencaps that point out Giselle is caucasian and not a horse.
Anonymous8: CClark, if sucking old man dick and eating penguin shit is what you've been doing to learn how2arts, that explains a lot.
Suck it up and take an anatomy class. This is not special ed art class and you don't get a gold star for trying.
And that's a critique from one artist to another, not just criticism.
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I was going to post a link to it on badmovies.org but the site keeps timing out for me.
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Suck it up and take an anatomy class. This is not special ed art class and you don't get a gold star for trying.