Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content. Uploaderibengmainee, November 12, 2008; 03:15TagsAeris, Leo, VG_Cats, ibengmainee, webcomicSource (Only admins may edit these details)Info700x1037 // 301KB // jpg November 12, 2008; 08:43 - Reply deliciouscake: sexcellent November 12, 2008; 14:05 - Reply Anonymous1: ^quite November 12, 2008; 16:03 - Reply Anonymous2: Aeris sez: "Hey Leo, nice tiny balls you've got there" November 12, 2008; 22:15 - Reply Hazard: MOAR November 12, 2008; 23:40 - Reply nebula: kewl, but yeah, needs bigger bawls November 13, 2008; 06:22 - Reply ibengmainee: Too small huh? Well, I guess the next pic I'll just have to make sure he has a more endowed package then. November 23, 2008; 03:45 - Reply Anonymous3: Leo Sez: you get bigger tits, I'll get bigger balls November 29, 2008; 12:34 - Reply Anonymous4: sauce? November 29, 2008; 18:55 - Reply Anonymous5: those hands oh god THOSE HANDS December 29, 2008; 07:18 - Reply Anonymous6: ...what about the hands? They look fine to me. January 18, 2009; 21:51 - Reply Drunken_Gremlin: I will crush Leo to a thin paste then burn the paste and feed what is left to Yog-Sothoth and he shall End. The Goddess is mine MINE!!! ~clears throat~ Umm, I will just be over there, sorry about that... Carry on. January 26, 2009; 07:40 - Reply Twin_Uzis: ... I'll go get my flame-thrower. Anyone who finds this attractive, stick around, you're going too. June 13, 2009; 01:55 - Reply Anonymous7: WIN!!!! March 21, 2010; 06:16 - Reply Anonymous8: His sac looks deflated, as if he'd been neutered. July 14, 2010; 16:23 - Reply Terrum: Too real? November 16, 2010; 23:09 - Reply Terrum: And why's everything so small? April 26, 2011; 23:46 - Reply Anonymous9: Too realistic. I don't like it. Report an ad?
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I'll go get my flame-thrower.
Anyone who finds this attractive, stick around, you're going too.
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