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TagsEliotak, Halo, sangheili
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Info2598x2596 // 421KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: Sangheili don't have fucking tails!
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Anonymous2: That was the original idea though. But they trashed that idea because the only way they could sit in vehicles was if they tucked their tails between their legs which would be if they tucked it.
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Anonymous3: "That was the original idea though. But they trashed that idea because the only way they could sit in vehicles was if they tucked their tails between their legs which would be if they tucked it."

"But they trashed that idea because the only way they could sit in vehicles was if they tucked their tails between their legs which would be if they tucked it."

"only way they could sit in vehicles was if they tucked their tails between their legs which would be if they tucked it."

"if they tucked their tails between their legs which would be if they tucked it."

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Anonymous4: alright, its not her armor
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Anonymous5: look at those nig lips
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Anonymous6: Think about it, mom+10 year old kid+tail between legs (ana, tail dick)= lawsuit!
- Reply
Anonymous7: The tail is just a butt plug y'all...

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