Anonymous3: You know whats really funny? All of this twincest got me thinking, "What would the twins sound like in bed?" Well, all I heard in my head was their monotone voices saying, "Oh." "Oh."
Anonymous12: Anon 3 you are a legend! I really ship this pair (to the point where I'm erasing my computer history!) and all these lovely comments are giving me ideas for fanfictions... Not to change the subject, but does anyone else here ship wardenXfuture warden?
Anonymous13(12): There needs to be a superjail season 3 0-0 and I read somewhere that this pairing is full in canon! (ehehehe that was supposed to be, 'full ON canon'. Let your dirty minds do the work!
Also, four nipples~
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the world is SERIOUSLY lacking in good twincesty pics of The's disappointing.
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i got into this fandom way too late