Anonymous1: The FIRST Brother/Sister Prostitute Team, on their initial outing. Though it started small, not only was it BIG success, putting them BOTH through college, the connections they made, made them untouchable, legally.
Anonymous4: - Lisa): "Come on Santa'is s Helper, choose your cum bucket!
- Bart): "Choose me, I need it more than her!"
- Marge): [from downstairs doorway] Ok kids, we're off to Friday night church bingo, you two behave yourselves untill we get back. Dont wait up if we're late getting back. Bye-bye!"
- Reply
- Reply
- Bart): "Choose me, I need it more than her!"
- Marge): [from downstairs doorway] Ok kids, we're off to Friday night church bingo, you two behave yourselves untill we get back. Dont wait up if we're late getting back. Bye-bye!"