Anonymous1: Looking at that it brings me to the question most Fallout 3 fans are thinking. Is this a shopped pic, or something in the game you can really see?
Anonymous10: Either her left leg is devouring her vagina, or she did not finish shaving. That's the left leg from HER point of view, just so there's no debate.
tyciol: I think that visual may be explainable 11. As you can see, she isn't standing straight, she's tilting. As you can see, her right left (our left) is abducted, pulled away from the centreline. This exposes more of that side of her pelvis, and thus of her vagoo. In keeping her balance, she has adducted her left (our right) leg, meaning it would cover her vagoo. This is not an error. You can see all this because her pelvis is obviously tilting up. I think it's a great visual effect, although she doesn't look totally balanced, considering the extreme pelvis angle her spine should be flexing to her left a bit to keep weight centred, as it is it looks like she would fall to her right. Her right boob looks bigger due to PERSPECTIVE. Albeit, it looks like the perspective overembellished it a bit, you're right. Not everyone's perfectly symmetrical though. Sorry Death the Kid.
Anonymous14: To all those arguing at the top about it being her left or her right: it's HER right, but OUR left that appears bigger. Your all dumb ass's for even arguing about it.
Anonymous22: In that locker I always keep my excess Misc stuff. The other locker holds Weapons and Apparel. The fridge has the AID (except for Nuka-Cola & Nuka-Cola Quantum which I put in the Nuka-Cola Machine).
where did you go to school? If your standing in HER position, then that means "Anonymous3: left boob is twice as large as right" is correct.
dumb ass
where did you go to school? If your standing in HER position, then that means "Anonymous3: left boob is twice as large as right" is correct.
dumb ass"
hmm home schooled?
cuz the way I see it Anonymous3 it right.
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*intenional pun so all you morons can start arguing about the arms and forget the boobs* lol