Anonymous4: Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. And when you try and say your opinion is a fact, and nobody can disagree, you show you ARE an asshole.
Anonymous9: Cross was a solid game. Chrono Trigger was one of the greatest games ever. Was Cross shit compared to Trigger? Yes. Are 99% of video games shit compared to Chrono Triger? Also yes. Was Cross shit compared to 99% of video games? No. It was a solid game, maybe 8/10, but it got a lot of naysayers because it wasn't up to the task of following Trigger but, let's face it... What would be?
both games have special places in my heart as childhood AWESOME
I cant quite explain why because its been so many years since i played them both.
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"Opinions are like assholes: Everyone has one, and they all stink." :P