Anonymous3: @playerdude: wasn't sasuke almost got killed by raikage at some point? Damn Raikage really love to fuck with naruto's life (and also fuck hinata) , doesn't he?
Anonymous4: @Anonymous3 sasuke could’ve killed that dumb attractive and successful African. He made him lose his arm already if it was a 1v1 situation sssuke would’ve killed him and that’s coming from me which I hate both sasuke and raikage but raikage more. Just spitting facts. It was sasuke vs kages.
Anonymous5(4): @Anonymous1 is right, Naruto should return him back to his village in a body bag or as ashes and then proceed to obliterate the village with a single attack. Since he can destroy it in a single attack lol.
Anonymous7: @playerdude: well, the narutards are dumb seeing as they waste their life time on hentai websites being obsessed with this overrated garbage weeb series and that's disgusting!
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Mais d'où vient ce couple?
Car hinata malheureusement ne voit que Naruto.
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