Anonymous4: Ugh... As much as I love Jazz, I would never RAPE him like this. I've seen a lot of really creepy/weird transformer smut but this is probably the creepiest by far I have EVER seen. Also, human cock on giant, transforming, alien, robot? DOES. NOT. FUCKING. COMPUTE!
Anonymous6(3): I'm sorry but putting a random huge human cock on random robots isnt hot XD This is pretty bad and unimaginative, specially since it's sailormoon hairstyles. Though its not the first bad TF pic put up on here. So please... learn to do art first before you post up here. I've seen your crap been posted on nearly all the TF sites now which just fucks it for everyone else causing random brain explosions.
Anonymous9(3): LOL I wonder if anon 5 and 6 is the artist themselves commenting on their own work XD This is pretty sad. Good never the less but also sad that it almost rapes Transformers coolness. Poor Jazz, may who ever this person is stop raping you soon.
traffik: ^Yeah, if only there was some way to figure out who posted it... some sort of "Uploaded by..." line that could appear right under the picture in a really obvious way...
Anonymous13: You're gay if you first noticed that Jazz's eyes were red and you're a nerd if you mentally corrected the artist for the mistake.
Guess what I am. XD
Anonymous16: Prime reminds me of PEDOBEAR for some reason. XD Poor poor Jazz, you have a creepy ass stalker peeking in through your window! Man, I'd close and lock those bitches before he rapes you again!!!!
Also; a little FYI for the "artist" Ynnep in relation to some of the bitchfests you keep having... You didn't come up with the whole transformers in drag concept... This 'theme' has been around for years so stop acting like you came up with it first. And stop BITCHING about being unable to draw them any other way. Putting dresses/wigs on them is just a big fucking COPOUT! Put some REAL effort into it and actually TRY, instead of pissing and moaning about being unable to do it.
Robot boner = totally unimaginative. C'mon people! Be a little more creative with your damn alien porn! If you wanted to see some random fag jerking himself off so badly why not go find some real gehy porn.
Anonymous22: You must of flunked English class constantly because your spelling is as bad as your art. You’re a lolcow waiting to be milked. Get your shit off the net seriously.
Anonymous23: LOL Seriously, Ynnep, can you even read? How the hell do you confuse “you” with “I”? Man, I think you need to go back to your remedial reading classes. And I agree with Anonymous21, this *is* shitty... Your script sucks and so does your “art”, if you can even call it that.
Anonymous26: For starters...Do you NOT know how to color inside the lines? Seriously? 8| You've got overlapping colors all over the place. Secondly...Why the fuck would a robot have a cock? No. Just...No. Spikes possibly, but a cock? Please make an attempt at being believable. :| Not to mention the incredibly shitty anatomy that fits more to a human wearing cardboard boxes over their body than a Cybertronian. The wig wouldn't be such a bad deal if you didn't use it on ALL of your pictures. Quit being a lazy faggot and TRY drawing their helms instead of bitching how you can't do it. And...what the fuck is up with that Autobot symbol? That about damn near scares me as much as the robocock does. knock this soddy shit off and actually try to practice drawing robot anatomy. If I want to look at pictures of guys running around in cardboard boxes I'll go to a college dorm and give the bored alpha geeks a couple of refrigerator boxes.
Guess what I am. XD
Also; a little FYI for the "artist" Ynnep in relation to some of the bitchfests you keep having... You didn't come up with the whole transformers in drag concept... This 'theme' has been around for years so stop acting like you came up with it first. And stop BITCHING about being unable to draw them any other way. Putting dresses/wigs on them is just a big fucking COPOUT! Put some REAL effort into it and actually TRY, instead of pissing and moaning about being unable to do it.
Robot boner = totally unimaginative. C'mon people! Be a little more creative with your damn alien porn! If you wanted to see some random fag jerking himself off so badly why not go find some real gehy porn.
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Can you imagine that... thing speaking in Scatman Caruthers' voice?