Anonymous22(2): It just struck me NOW that she has makeup on, even as she goes to bed. Did she forget to take it off? Or did she put it on to look hotter because she has actually concocted a plan for the questionee to fuck her?
Anonymous30: Yes yes, we'd all fuck the thirteen year old girl, and I'd stick it in her pooper too. Then drive to a steep, tall cliff, kick her ass over it and leave her for dead.
Anonymooose: oh you can sleep with me baby. just come here and let me kiss those sweet lips of yours and we will make love and you will forget all about it
Anonymous36: Did none of you notice that she molested her teddybear? She´s a cocktease and when you think that she deserves it, because she´s asking for it, then you´re fucked, because she will molest you as she molested her teddy. Admit it guys, you´re all outmuscled by the average lemur. You stand NO FUCKING CHANCE!
Htoonlover: ^^^ AIDS jokes and Ebay-esk comments WIN, as well as anon34's terribly sexy image conjuring pun (id think you could have cum up with something a little better than that)
Angelica looks fucking hot....
So the operation was a sucess, huh?
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I wouldn't, that's for sure.
She's not a whore, she's a cocktease.
oh.... oh, okay then...
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she's so pretty!
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She looks so sensual and innocent, i wouldn't take advantage of her at all!
She's gorgeous!
anyone guy here would wreck this chick into the ground
i know i would
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but the bear can stay."
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...... in case you didnt get that rugrats is being compared to crabs
Well, if it is Wa-Wa, we know whom she's with. *snickers*
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