legsofdoom: And when Arthur awoke, he knew he was no longer in Avalon, where gargoyle wings cast shadows over incandescent gardens. He knew first that he was grown young - or never grown old at all. His head was not bowed by years under a crown, nor his hands calloused from too long spent fighting.
But it had not been a dream, for the sorcerer was still with him, hand holding his, helping him to his feet.
Wart coughed and blinked. There were twigs in his hair from the tree he'd just fallen out of. "What did I..."
"Oh, remembered it, did you?" Merlin asked, adjusting his spectacles and flattening his moustache. "The future. Yes, that's what it's like for me. Always remembering things that haven't happened yet. Sorry if some of it rubbed off on you."
There were faces in his mind - noble faces, ugly faces, beautiful ones and cruel ones - and he knew their intentions.
When he looked up, he saw the friend from his most recent adventure, somehow seeming quite expressively astonished for a squirrel.
"Say, Merlin... would it be alright if I tried to change it?"
"Oh, yes. It's not set in stone, you know. Well, some of it is, but we'll come to that. But what will you do differently?"
"How would it be... if I had help, sir?"
The old wizard might have been smiling, but he seemed to hide it behind his beard. "Oh? Which helper would you choose?"
Wart did not need to think about it. He pointed straight up at the branch. "That one."
legsofdoom: Merlin looked to the tree Arthur was pointing at. Sitting upon the branch, watching them quite intently, was a little brown squirrel.
"A squirrel? I'm afraid you've confused me, my boy."
"Doesn't she look familiar to you?"
Merlin took a second to get a better look at the pint-sized rodent, which had started to make its way to a lower branch to get closer to the two.
"Ah! It's that same squirrel that we ran into when I was giving you your lessons. That was the one that took quite a liking to you, right?"
Arthur nodded, noting that the squirrel had reached the ground and was starting to hop over to him.
"Yeah. I always felt bad for abandoning her. Having my memories of times yet to come, there are many things that I hope to change for the better. When it came to love, I was betrayed. Even my son would not care for me. The one thing that I know is that no other being I ever encountered seemed to have such a pure love for me as that cute little squirrel."
"Turn the squirrel into a human? How will she be of help to you?"
Arthur shrugged.
"I'm not entirely sure what the new future I'm going to create will hold. But what I do know is that having someone with such a kind and innocent soul at my side can only give me strength."
Merlin was unsure of the wisdom in transforming a wild animal into a human being, but had to give a measure of respect for Arthur's newfound resolve to improve his future.
"If I help you with this, Arthur, I'm going to need to make me two promises."
Arthur simply replied: "Anything."
"First, she will be entirely your responsibility. You must remember that this will be very new and possibly terrifying to her, and she's going to need help to adjust to the human world. If her welfare suffers because of your slacking, I will not hesitate to remove her from the situation."
"Agreed. The second condition?"
Merlin took a more somber tone, one that seemed to echo an old memory.
"Always remember how lucky you are to have someone that cares for you so completely."
legsofdoom: Merlin picked up an acorn off the ground. He rolled it between his palms, eventually clasping it between his hands, as if he were in prayer. He closed his eyes, muttered something underneath his breath, and opened his hands.
The acorn was now giving off a soft golden glow, and Merlin looked rather tired. He handed the little thing over to Arthur.
"Feed this to her, and she will become a human. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I've done just about enough magic for one day. I'm going to go have a bit of tea with Archimedes, then perhaps a nap."
"Thanks, Merlin. This means a lot to me."
Merlin retreated back to his tower, presumably to tell Archimedes that the tasty squirrel that he'd been thinking about for tomorrow's dinner was now off the menu.
The squirrel, who had been sitting at the bottom of the tree, scampered over to Arthur. She seemed to have been offput by Merlin's presence, since he was the one that had taken Arthur away from her in the first place.
She scampered up his clothing and rested on his shoulder. Arthur held the acorn up to her, hoping she'd accept it. She did take it, and started to nibble.
"I really hope this wo-WOOAH!"
Within about a quarter of a second, Arthur had gone from having a 1 pound squirrel on his shoulder to a 105 pound girl.
A very naked girl, that was now lying on top of the fallen Arthur.
legsofdoom: Despite having several memories of his future life, Arthur's sexual experiences were not among those that had come back with him. In his mind, he was still very much an awkward virgin. Thus, having completely naked girl straddling him was a rather nasty shock to the system. Even if she had the most absolutely adorable face he'd ever seen.
The girl seemed to have noticed that she was no longer in her old body. She immediately jumped up...and fell backwards.
Arthur tried his best not to laugh, but it watching her try to stand on two feet was probably the cutest thing he'd ever seen. Frustrated, she scampered over to him on all fours.
Squirrel vocalizations apparently didn't translate very well into English, so communication was going to be an issue.
Arthur got to his feet, taking his shirt off. While he struggled to get it over his head, she tried to stand up, grabbing Arthur around his naked chest in a hug to stabilize herself.
Blinded by his shirt, Arthur suddenly became very aware of the face that a girl's breasts were pressed against his chest.
Arthur now cursed the shirt that he had originally started to take off for the purpose of helping the girl cover up.
His hormones rushing and blinded by the cloth around his head, all it took was an accidental push by the still-unsteady newly-transformed squirrel girl to knock both of them back into the same position they'd just escaped.
"It seems like this is going to be a bigger challenge for you than you thought it'd be, eh, boy?"
legsofdoom: Arthur, panicked that he'd been caught in such a compromising position with a girl (a nude one, no less), immediately finished pulling his shirt off and jammed it over the head of the girl that was on top of him.
Not having previous experience with clothing, the girl was understandably less than enthusiastic about having her head shoved through a cloth hole and struggled against it, finding herself in much the same position Arthur had been in seconds before, blinded by a shirt around her head.
Arthur looked about for the source of the voice, and was slightly relieved to see a certain crotchety owl perched on the branch above him.
"Oh, it's only you, Archimedes. I was worried that-"
"You might be caught mating in the courtyard in the middle of the day? I believe Merlin referred to that human activity as 'afternoon delight' or some other nonsense."
Arthur blushed at the implication.
"We WEREN'T mating! She just transformed from a squirrel and was completely naked when it happened!"
"Well, you didn't expect her to magically grow clothing, did you? Merlin told me you only asked for transformation, not a wardrobe. Oh, and thanks for consulting me, by the way. Now I have to find something new to eat tomorrow."
"Why are you here, anyways?"
"Merlin told me that he forgot to mention something about the acorn. He said to tell you that she can't communicate with you unless she eats the entire thing."
legsofdoom: Arthur looked about, finding the still-glowing acorn on the ground next to him, having been dropped by the girl after the first bite. He pulled the shirt down over her head, the long shirt finally covering her more private bits. She had calmed down, and looked at Arthur with interest in her eyes.
He presented the acorn to her, which she ate quickly after discovering that she no longer needed to nibble to gulp it down. Arthur made the first attempt at communicating.
"I'm Arthur. Can you understand what I'm saying?"
The girl perked up immediately. Her eyes lit up in surprise, as she could now make sense of the gibberish noises those strange two-legged creatures spouted.
"Y...y...yes. I hear human talk."
She jumped back with shock at the sound of her new voice. No longer a chittering series of squeaks, her new voice was soft and gentle, but with a playful melody to it.
"Ar-fur...what happened? I was little...now I'm like you?"
Overlooking her mispronounciation of his name, Arthur explained that he had used magic to change her into her new form. Physically, she was roughly equivalent to about sixteen or seventeen. Her hair was the same color as the squirrel she'd previously been, a rich brown that shone in the sun, reaching past her shoulders. Her eyes were golden, the same color as the glowing of the magical acorn.
As Arthur finished his explanation, he noticed the girl's eyes were still looking quite confused.
"Look...I'll just put it this way. You stay with me now."
"I stay with Ar-fur?"
"Yes, you're with me now."
The girl lit up and tackled him back to the ground, burying her head in his chest.
Anonymous5(3): Arthur was taken aback by the girl's forwardness. Given her behavior as a squirrel, he really shouldn't have been surprised.
"Archimedes, can you please do me a big favor?"
The cranky owl sighed.
"You want me to fetch her some clothing, correct?"
"...If it's not too much trouble. There's no way I can walk her back to my room with her in just my shirt."
The owl made a scoffing noise.
"I suppose Merlin wouldn't want you getting in any more trouble, especially if it involves his magic...speaking of which, you should lock up the courtyard until I return, to keep other unwanted visitors out while she's without clothing."
The owl flew off to retrieve a robe, and Arthur scurried to the doors and locked them from the inside.
His task of locking the doors to the courtyard finished, a somewhat relieved Arthur turned back to face Hazel, only to find an empty space of matted grass where they'd laid earlier.
Somewhat worried, Arthur called out: "Hazel, where'd you go?"
All of a sudden, he was blinded. His shirt had been rudely shoved over his head, causing him to fall back to the ground. At first, this wasn't too worrisome, until he figured out that someone had tied the sleeves together. Another pull popped his head through the hole, with his arms stuck at his sides. Arthur was now staring at a completely naked girl who had just totally immobilized his arms and was now moving to straddle him.
"I'm so happy I get to be with Ar-fur now..."
Arthur's head began to swoon as he came to grips with the realization that the girl was looking at him the same way she'd been eying him back when they were both squirrels.
"I'm hot, Ar-fur."
How could she possibly be hot? It was early autumn and she was completely nude. The sun was just beginning to fall over the horizon as dusk approached, and the temperature was starting to dip a little.
It was then Arthur grasped what she was getting at.
"You...you mean you're in heat?"
"Mm-hmm. I had to find a mate, but I never had one before."
She dropped her eyes and blushed.
"Then you came along. So cute and bushytailed. I wanted you to be mine forever."
She started crying, squeezing out a few drops.
"A-and then you went away because that mean old man took you. I was so afraid I'd never see you a-again."
Arthur immediately felt a heavy pang of guilt strike his heart. In the time before he knew of his future memories, this kind of closeness would have terrified him. Strangely, the attention that had made him so uncomfortable as a squirrel was now causing a strange warmth in his heart.
Xelaaredn: Man I wish someone would make an animation of this, and somehow have the voice cast from the movie... with... the chick that played the evil "littel girl" in Orphan as the voice of Hazel...
Arthur tried to lean up to apologize to her, but she pushed him back down.
"You're all mine now, Ar-fur. Promise you'll be my mate forever?"
Arthur didn't even hesitate.
"Of course, Haz-"
He was interrupted by a fierce kiss from the previously demure girl as she attacked his lips with animalistic passion. Though she may have been human now, her instincts from her squirrel self seemed to have transferred.
Arthur tried not to be completely overwhelmed by the situation. He was pinned under the weight of a teenage girl, his arms trapped within his tied-up shirt, and his tongue trapped by the mouth of said female.
What was especially hard to get around was Hazel's skill with his tongue. Most likely due to her previous squirrel life, she was amazingly good at nibbling on his tongue. The sensation was remarkable, and it was starting to cause Arthur's mind to cloud over with pleasure.
Hazel broke the kiss, panting.
"Ar-fur...Ar-fur...I'm so happy you like me. I never had anyone that wanted to be my mate. I thought I'd never get to make babies."
Anonymous29: No one had such a pure love for you? What, ya mean when she took one look at you and wanted to mate purely out of lust? Dude, maybe she'd love PORN but she certainly doesn't love him!
JustWatching27: Not sure if anyone will see this, but I'm posting it anyway. Here's the completed story, along with a few other stories with the same characters
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But it had not been a dream, for the sorcerer was still with him, hand holding his, helping him to his feet.
Wart coughed and blinked. There were twigs in his hair from the tree he'd just fallen out of. "What did I..."
"Oh, remembered it, did you?" Merlin asked, adjusting his spectacles and flattening his moustache. "The future. Yes, that's what it's like for me. Always remembering things that haven't happened yet. Sorry if some of it rubbed off on you."
There were faces in his mind - noble faces, ugly faces, beautiful ones and cruel ones - and he knew their intentions.
When he looked up, he saw the friend from his most recent adventure, somehow seeming quite expressively astonished for a squirrel.
"Say, Merlin... would it be alright if I tried to change it?"
"Oh, yes. It's not set in stone, you know. Well, some of it is, but we'll come to that. But what will you do differently?"
"How would it be... if I had help, sir?"
The old wizard might have been smiling, but he seemed to hide it behind his beard. "Oh? Which helper would you choose?"
Wart did not need to think about it. He pointed straight up at the branch. "That one."
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"A squirrel? I'm afraid you've confused me, my boy."
"Doesn't she look familiar to you?"
Merlin took a second to get a better look at the pint-sized rodent, which had started to make its way to a lower branch to get closer to the two.
"Ah! It's that same squirrel that we ran into when I was giving you your lessons. That was the one that took quite a liking to you, right?"
Arthur nodded, noting that the squirrel had reached the ground and was starting to hop over to him.
"Yeah. I always felt bad for abandoning her. Having my memories of times yet to come, there are many things that I hope to change for the better. When it came to love, I was betrayed. Even my son would not care for me. The one thing that I know is that no other being I ever encountered seemed to have such a pure love for me as that cute little squirrel."
"Just what are you driving at, young man?"
"Merlin, I want you to turn her into a human."
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"Turn the squirrel into a human? How will she be of help to you?"
Arthur shrugged.
"I'm not entirely sure what the new future I'm going to create will hold. But what I do know is that having someone with such a kind and innocent soul at my side can only give me strength."
Merlin was unsure of the wisdom in transforming a wild animal into a human being, but had to give a measure of respect for Arthur's newfound resolve to improve his future.
"If I help you with this, Arthur, I'm going to need to make me two promises."
Arthur simply replied: "Anything."
"First, she will be entirely your responsibility. You must remember that this will be very new and possibly terrifying to her, and she's going to need help to adjust to the human world. If her welfare suffers because of your slacking, I will not hesitate to remove her from the situation."
"Agreed. The second condition?"
Merlin took a more somber tone, one that seemed to echo an old memory.
"Always remember how lucky you are to have someone that cares for you so completely."
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The acorn was now giving off a soft golden glow, and Merlin looked rather tired. He handed the little thing over to Arthur.
"Feed this to her, and she will become a human. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I've done just about enough magic for one day. I'm going to go have a bit of tea with Archimedes, then perhaps a nap."
"Thanks, Merlin. This means a lot to me."
Merlin retreated back to his tower, presumably to tell Archimedes that the tasty squirrel that he'd been thinking about for tomorrow's dinner was now off the menu.
The squirrel, who had been sitting at the bottom of the tree, scampered over to Arthur. She seemed to have been offput by Merlin's presence, since he was the one that had taken Arthur away from her in the first place.
She scampered up his clothing and rested on his shoulder. Arthur held the acorn up to her, hoping she'd accept it. She did take it, and started to nibble.
"I really hope this wo-WOOAH!"
Within about a quarter of a second, Arthur had gone from having a 1 pound squirrel on his shoulder to a 105 pound girl.
A very naked girl, that was now lying on top of the fallen Arthur.
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The girl seemed to have noticed that she was no longer in her old body. She immediately jumped up...and fell backwards.
Arthur tried his best not to laugh, but it watching her try to stand on two feet was probably the cutest thing he'd ever seen. Frustrated, she scampered over to him on all fours.
Squirrel vocalizations apparently didn't translate very well into English, so communication was going to be an issue.
Arthur got to his feet, taking his shirt off. While he struggled to get it over his head, she tried to stand up, grabbing Arthur around his naked chest in a hug to stabilize herself.
Blinded by his shirt, Arthur suddenly became very aware of the face that a girl's breasts were pressed against his chest.
Arthur now cursed the shirt that he had originally started to take off for the purpose of helping the girl cover up.
His hormones rushing and blinded by the cloth around his head, all it took was an accidental push by the still-unsteady newly-transformed squirrel girl to knock both of them back into the same position they'd just escaped.
"It seems like this is going to be a bigger challenge for you than you thought it'd be, eh, boy?"
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Not having previous experience with clothing, the girl was understandably less than enthusiastic about having her head shoved through a cloth hole and struggled against it, finding herself in much the same position Arthur had been in seconds before, blinded by a shirt around her head.
Arthur looked about for the source of the voice, and was slightly relieved to see a certain crotchety owl perched on the branch above him.
"Oh, it's only you, Archimedes. I was worried that-"
"You might be caught mating in the courtyard in the middle of the day? I believe Merlin referred to that human activity as 'afternoon delight' or some other nonsense."
Arthur blushed at the implication.
"We WEREN'T mating! She just transformed from a squirrel and was completely naked when it happened!"
"Well, you didn't expect her to magically grow clothing, did you? Merlin told me you only asked for transformation, not a wardrobe. Oh, and thanks for consulting me, by the way. Now I have to find something new to eat tomorrow."
"Why are you here, anyways?"
"Merlin told me that he forgot to mention something about the acorn. He said to tell you that she can't communicate with you unless she eats the entire thing."
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He presented the acorn to her, which she ate quickly after discovering that she no longer needed to nibble to gulp it down. Arthur made the first attempt at communicating.
"I'm Arthur. Can you understand what I'm saying?"
The girl perked up immediately. Her eyes lit up in surprise, as she could now make sense of the gibberish noises those strange two-legged creatures spouted.
"Y...y...yes. I hear human talk."
She jumped back with shock at the sound of her new voice. No longer a chittering series of squeaks, her new voice was soft and gentle, but with a playful melody to it.
"Ar-fur...what happened? I was little...now I'm like you?"
Overlooking her mispronounciation of his name, Arthur explained that he had used magic to change her into her new form. Physically, she was roughly equivalent to about sixteen or seventeen. Her hair was the same color as the squirrel she'd previously been, a rich brown that shone in the sun, reaching past her shoulders. Her eyes were golden, the same color as the glowing of the magical acorn.
As Arthur finished his explanation, he noticed the girl's eyes were still looking quite confused.
"Look...I'll just put it this way. You stay with me now."
"I stay with Ar-fur?"
"Yes, you're with me now."
The girl lit up and tackled him back to the ground, burying her head in his chest.
fuckin awesome.
"I promise,..."
It was then that Arthur realized that he actually didn't know what to call her. Squirrels didn't come with nametags, after all.
"You know, I haven't actually gotten a name for you yet. What do your friends call you?"
The girl tried to say her name, but it only came out as a series of unintelligible squeaks.
"Animal names don't generally translate well into English, lad."
Archimedes, bemused by the situation unfolding in the courtyard, had chimed in again.
"You're going to have to name her, boy. I doubt she knows enough of the human world to pick one herself, as I did."
Arthur thought long and hard about what would reflect on her the best.
It was actually the reflection of the sun off of her shining brown hair that would provide the inspiration for her new name.
"How about I call you...Hazel?"
The girl's golden eyes teared up a little bit as she blushed.
"I love it! Now I can be with you like a real mate, right?"
"Archimedes, can you please do me a big favor?"
The cranky owl sighed.
"You want me to fetch her some clothing, correct?"
"...If it's not too much trouble. There's no way I can walk her back to my room with her in just my shirt."
The owl made a scoffing noise.
"I suppose Merlin wouldn't want you getting in any more trouble, especially if it involves his magic...speaking of which, you should lock up the courtyard until I return, to keep other unwanted visitors out while she's without clothing."
The owl flew off to retrieve a robe, and Arthur scurried to the doors and locked them from the inside.
His task of locking the doors to the courtyard finished, a somewhat relieved Arthur turned back to face Hazel, only to find an empty space of matted grass where they'd laid earlier.
Somewhat worried, Arthur called out: "Hazel, where'd you go?"
All of a sudden, he was blinded. His shirt had been rudely shoved over his head, causing him to fall back to the ground. At first, this wasn't too worrisome, until he figured out that someone had tied the sleeves together. Another pull popped his head through the hole, with his arms stuck at his sides. Arthur was now staring at a completely naked girl who had just totally immobilized his arms and was now moving to straddle him.
"I'm so happy I get to be with Ar-fur now..."
Arthur's head began to swoon as he came to grips with the realization that the girl was looking at him the same way she'd been eying him back when they were both squirrels.
"I'm hot, Ar-fur."
How could she possibly be hot? It was early autumn and she was completely nude. The sun was just beginning to fall over the horizon as dusk approached, and the temperature was starting to dip a little.
It was then Arthur grasped what she was getting at.
"You...you mean you're in heat?"
"Mm-hmm. I had to find a mate, but I never had one before."
She dropped her eyes and blushed.
"Then you came along. So cute and bushytailed. I wanted you to be mine forever."
She started crying, squeezing out a few drops.
"A-and then you went away because that mean old man took you. I was so afraid I'd never see you a-again."
Arthur immediately felt a heavy pang of guilt strike his heart. In the time before he knew of his future memories, this kind of closeness would have terrified him. Strangely, the attention that had made him so uncomfortable as a squirrel was now causing a strange warmth in his heart.
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if someone has the full story or the ending or whatever i would kill to see it
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Arthur tried to lean up to apologize to her, but she pushed him back down.
"You're all mine now, Ar-fur. Promise you'll be my mate forever?"
Arthur didn't even hesitate.
"Of course, Haz-"
He was interrupted by a fierce kiss from the previously demure girl as she attacked his lips with animalistic passion. Though she may have been human now, her instincts from her squirrel self seemed to have transferred.
Arthur tried not to be completely overwhelmed by the situation. He was pinned under the weight of a teenage girl, his arms trapped within his tied-up shirt, and his tongue trapped by the mouth of said female.
What was especially hard to get around was Hazel's skill with his tongue. Most likely due to her previous squirrel life, she was amazingly good at nibbling on his tongue. The sensation was remarkable, and it was starting to cause Arthur's mind to cloud over with pleasure.
Hazel broke the kiss, panting.
"Ar-fur...Ar-fur...I'm so happy you like me. I never had anyone that wanted to be my mate. I thought I'd never get to make babies."
Finish the story!!
Here's the entire thing from /co/
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