Jack_Bandicoot-: Why the VKyrie tag if there's no signature or sauce???.Show me something that backs up that this is made by VKyrie,or else that tag should be gone
Anonymous4: Um, he's only two years older than her, so it isn't that bad... All you stupid schools kids may think that two years is far apart, but most of your parents are that or more...
Anonymous6: How old is the oldest rabbit you've ever seen?
Rabbits in the wild often die before they even make it to 2 years of age... fully mature. a 6 year old rabbit is a fucking old hag! This is some straight up granny-fetish shit!
- Reply
Rabbits in the wild often die before they even make it to 2 years of age... fully mature. a 6 year old rabbit is a fucking old hag! This is some straight up granny-fetish shit!