Anonymous2: A short while ago, I posted a comment here, which apparently, a number of people didn't care for. I apologize for that, though I don't really understand why. It w as not my intention to, ruffle any feathers', and, i couldn't "Feather My Nest", with any proceeds. I would like to let you know where I got that particular witticism, but, that would be, "Talon", now wouldn't it!? Well, gotta go, My girl flew in from Capastrano, and BOY, are Her Wings TIRED!
Anonymous3(2): Anonymous3, again. Sorry about that, again, but I've been so busy lately, I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.
Anonymous4: Anonymous3, again. A short while ago, I posted a comment here, which apparently, a number of people didn't care for. I apologize for that, though I don't really understand why. It was not my intention to, "Ruffle any feathers", and, I couldn't "Feather My Nest", with any proceeds, as, there were none. Far be it from me to cry,"Fowl", when I've "Laid an Egg", but, there it is. I would like to let you know where I got that particular witticism, but, that would be, "Talon", now wouldn't it!? Well, gotta go, My girl flew in from Capastrano, and BOY, are Her Wings TIRED!(I'm sorry, again, about all the corrections, gentle reader, I'll try to watch it like a hawk, in the future.)
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She's an ex WWOEC artist.