Anonymous6: Grr. This episode was on just not to long ago. Princess Protozoa is OUTSIDE Vicky's body. Timmy went off by himself to study it, and wish Cosmo and Wanda to have time to themselves. They hung around the cadnies, and got eated by Vicky, and so on. Vase broke, Timmy wanted to fix it, tried to find them , found they got eated, and so he went INTO Vicky's body to find them.
Princess Protaxoa is OUTSIDE Vicky's body, and was in the first few minutes of the epidose. Everything elses after that was IN Vicky's body.
Anonymous13: At this point, I begin to wonder if there is something seriously wrong with Garabatoz... Don't get me wrong, his artwork kicks ass, but I repeatedly wondering how he can possibly imagine fucking a protazoa...
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Sooo if someone is shrunk, he can fuck a cell???
Princess Protaxoa is OUTSIDE Vicky's body, and was in the first few minutes of the epidose. Everything elses after that was IN Vicky's body.
Case closed.
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But actually I was thinkign in rRULE34 :D
And just fr fun XD
Well played rule 34.
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