Anonymous1: Rando:"Sokka, Yue looks like a pale version of your sister."
Sokka: "No she doesn't."
Rando: "Moon Princess Yue, please let down your hair down so that we may see it unadulterated beauty!"
Yue complies.
Sokka:... ... "No, they both look like younger version of... ... mom..." puts his hands to his forehead, slowly covers his face, and gradually decendes to his knees.
Rando: "That's okay."
Katara: Me too.
Sokka: "No she doesn't."
Rando: "Moon Princess Yue, please let down your hair down so that we may see it unadulterated beauty!"
Yue complies.
Sokka:... ... "No, they both look like younger version of... ... mom..." puts his hands to his forehead, slowly covers his face, and gradually decendes to his knees.
Rando: "That's okay."