Electric_Phoenix: Yes! take it you ungreatful naughty girl! I understand wanting to explore the world and have your own life. And sorry for all the other fellow boys treating you like garbage; seeing you as nothing more than a piece of meat, not a person. But considering how you ending up killing people that didn't deserve it. Taking pills that's making you crazy and will turn you into an undead monster. I think you deserve this and hey I don't see you trying to kill me so that's a first.
Oh I will kill you when we are done here; all you boys are the same you deserve to die! You're all BAD!
No! I'm a good boy! I swear! I'm good! *slice* pleaseeeeeeee I'm gooooood *slice ded*
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Oh I will kill you when we are done here; all you boys are the same you deserve to die! You're all BAD!
No! I'm a good boy! I swear! I'm good! *slice* pleaseeeeeeee I'm gooooood *slice ded*