Jack_Bandicoot-: Confirmed it can be a new flash by BCS.Let's hope thos one doesn't get scrapped like the other one made by her(Sonic2 is its filename).And also,let's hope HentaiKey doesn't sell this
Serious_Business: Presumably they got it at fchan.
And the guy at fchan got it from 420chan, where BCS herself set up workshop.
Original thread here. http://img.420chan.org/f/res/10913.html
And, yes, I need to get down to programming and finishing it. This scene in particular gives me problems because the SWF randomly drops frames, but whatever ... anyway, I appreciate feedback a lot, even if I seem busy or distant. I may not always track down the threads where it's being discussed so if you want to drop by at 420chan, I'd be pleased. I'm also on Zerochan's /3D board.
Obviously it is BCS... the tag says so. Whatever a BCS is.
@Anon7: They do in hentai.
And the guy at fchan got it from 420chan, where BCS herself set up workshop.
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Original thread here. http://img.420chan.org/f/res/10913.html
And, yes, I need to get down to programming and finishing it. This scene in particular gives me problems because the SWF randomly drops frames, but whatever ... anyway, I appreciate feedback a lot, even if I seem busy or distant. I may not always track down the threads where it's being discussed so if you want to drop by at 420chan, I'd be pleased. I'm also on Zerochan's /3D board.