Anonymous2: He's cheating on Ichika with Nino?! What?!
But she was a tsundere, why would he do that?
(It's basically confirmed that he marries Ichika. Not Nino, but I suppose you can draw alternate universe fan-art. :)
Great drawing. Fixed the tags too.
Anonymous3(2): Meant to say Itsuki, not Ichika. Yeah, Itsuki is the confirmed wife of him.
So basically, this is a cheating husband sort of fan-art, or an alternate universe. Whichever.
But she was a tsundere, why would he do that?
(It's basically confirmed that he marries Ichika. Not Nino, but I suppose you can draw alternate universe fan-art. :)
Great drawing. Fixed the tags too.
So basically, this is a cheating husband sort of fan-art, or an alternate universe. Whichever.