Anonymous1: Do you have a sauce to all these HILARIOUS comics? Okay, so I don't really laugh at them, but they have this cute and innocent charm to them. Sorta like loli comics, but with cats. Cats are awesome.
I mean these porn versions, bot the original comic.
Scott_Ramsoomair: No, you people are assholes and I don't like you. Buy some fuckin' merchandise and I might change my mind. We've got Leo dolls and everything, guys.
Anonymous6(1): Hey Scott, baby. Please explain this comic to my tiny un-developed brain. What is the point of the second panel? Is it a random RPG moment, food regains health?
Scott_Ramsoomair: Actually, I drew this completely unrelated picture of Leo getting a facial, and then I did the third panel. And I was amazed how chopin' in an egg instead of a cock put up this like, completely probable explanation of how Aeris managed to get ahold of enough semen to bathe in it.
The un-edited picture of Leo is, of course, not for the public eye and only for me when my girlfriend isn't on WoW- I mean, isn't home.
DarkKnight: Scott, I have bought your products! Why have you betrayed me?! Have I angerd you in some way?! Have I not sacrificed enough virgin goats at your alter? TELL ME!
Anonymous19: Wow this Scott guy is a douche! Buy this! my girlfriend that! Blah blah blah oh and btw if you have to bring up your girlfriend then she isn't real!
Anonymous26: That's it, then...I'm off to down a pitcher full of raw eggs Rocky-style and gush a tubful of spunk. I'll feel like a young, virile buck again!
Anonymous31: For those who don't get the egg, semen is made primarily of protein, therefore, this comic is about him going the extra effort of eating raw eggs to provide Aeris with tons of sperm. So nyaaaaa
Anonymous33: HOLY SHIT YOU PEOPLE! ITS NOT SCOTT!!! just some asshole trollin. beleive me, i almost shot myself when i saw this, i mean, HOW THE FUCK DID ITT SHOW UP! but its all that so called "scott's" fault. the real one is awesome, and not a dickhead like this oone, who is only pretending. jesus.
Anonymous37: The second scene reminds me of on of the Jackass series (and one minigame in Jackass: The Game)where you chuck down enuf eggs to make you puke....:D
Anonymous38: i think anon 32 is saying " Semen is the last thing i would dream of bathing in, no matter how horny, stoned and intoxicated I was." he just shuffled the words
VG Cats is over, go home.
I mean these porn versions, bot the original comic.
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Seriously, she's so ugly, sloppy seconds is the only thing that would make me put it inside her again.
The un-edited picture of Leo is, of course, not for the public eye and only for me when my girlfriend isn't on WoW- I mean, isn't home.
RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!
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