Anonymous6: Be hot to see Link in wolf form fucking Epona nonmorphed while she's in heat. But then her scent draws a stallion of her breed who ends up mounting them both, pinning Link between them and subsequently raping Link's virgin wolf ass. The stallion wouldn't care.
Anonymous11: Well you know, Link's out there all the time looking for the princess, runs out of magazines, no other hole around...might as well be the horse :)
Anonymous15: Paru, Anon8, all the other anthro-haters on this site, here's a tip: You don't like furry and anthro art? Then don't click on the friggin' thumbnail, dumbass! It's simple, really. It's not like the thumbnails are so obscure or mutilated that you can't get a general idea of what they are. I don't like the chicks-with-dicks fetish that so many others seem to possess. Do I go and dump a bucket of hater-ade on those posts? No. I just skip over it and move on to the next one.
Anonymous21: 15: I think this is less 'bout the art and more about creepy fantasizing. Whether you're grabbing your shtick or pounding your nuts over this pic doesn't matter. We could all do without "OH GOD *insert imagination here*".
Anonymous30: Welp, now i be dun seen about e'erdathaaang 'til I see wolf link mount epona.....Oh and i wouldn't consider myself a furryman, but, I do fornicate with folks across the species line, so this kindof "pornographic images" help me through the weekends MY mare is racin'.........
Anonymous32: "FurFags" don't ruin everything they run everything take your hate somewhere else it may be a "FurFag" giving you your next paycheck so that you can pay for the hookers that are the only way to get your rocks off
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I would rather have Link pinning the stallion.
The rest of you probably have no idea why, and that makes me sad and lolful and the same time.
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IF you saw this shit in real life i think id shit myself but it would be cool. but its better fake
..Ponder on that. Let it fester. Wild ride.
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