Anonymous5: His style did not change over the years and the only new coloring wasn't even his own idea. You never improved more than you thought you need, AF-JS. This is sad and dumb.
deleted002: you guys are complaining because there is another person who can draw as well as apostle? are you fucking crazy? that just means they can pump out twice the amount of pictures!! Why attack similar artists?
Jack_Bandicoots_REVENGE: because similar=ripoff in many of the cases.AF-JS was crappy,and still is,but I thought that more originality meant more ideas.Apparently I was wrong.If you think that AF-JS draws as well as Apostle,I suggest you to go to an eyedoctor and stop with that.When I read it I can think of it worse than a bad joke.
Anonymous9: Fact is, AF-JS wants to be like Apostle. He saw what impact that tracer had and now want to do the same. Just like he tried it with Tojyo, Furrybomb, Purity, Sonydash, Foxxhao and Kousoku. AF-JS was never original. He does have his own style you can rekognize, but this is based on drama and feeling like the master of art.
Jack_Bandicoots_REVENGE: Anon7,you were right.It's a pity that a style that could pass a test,has to trace every shit around when talking about poses.AF-JS was never original,and if he can't stand critique,requests or commisions,then he'll never evolve from the Australopithecus phase he's in,when we talk about the Sonic Yiff Universe.Let's hope one day he gets crucified by SDash,Takura,Tojyo,Kandlin,Foxxhao and Kousuku(I don't defend Purity,she's a buttslut with an unoriginal stupid sluttish character,she acts as if she was as powerful and head-turning as that other whore called Alix Henriol)
Jack_Bandicoots_Ultimatum: Female Sonic,with Amy hair,just longer,and...slutty.Same with all Purity's friends(NightOttsel,WinonaHeart,SquirrelGirl,etc.)
Anonymous13: This wasn't made by Apostle. Read the goddamn comments. AF-JS is the artist but you shouldn't tag it with his name either. Images with AF-JS tag get removed from the site.
This is true.
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