craggle: from left, it's blink, tilde soames, emma frost, storm, mystique, and kitty. from wolverine and the x-men cartoon. and might i say, nice work to the artist.
Anonymous5: in the actual wolverine and the x-men, ALL the girls look hotter than in this picture. emma's and kittys tits are way better in the real show.
Anonymous6: Did the people behind these character designs decide that Storm needed some Africa-ing up? What exactly is the reason for that hat/earrings/all of it really?
Anonymous9: Last thing i saw of Blink (many years ago) is when she died while fighting the Phalanx. Oh and the alternate version in Age of Apocalypse. I don't watch any of the animated shows, so did they bring her back somehow, is it a prequel or an entirely different universe?
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Okay, definately X-Men, chick on the right has an X on her belt
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