Anonymous2: The sub-males (The Captain Marvel fans) will be lapping this up. The rest of us will mutter "Jesus fucking Christ....." and turn away revolted. Which is what I'm about to do now - "Jesus fucking Chr....."
Anonymous3: @Anonymous: Yeah, I hate dickgirls and sissified boy themes too but if you look at B.L.s early stuff and black and white stuff it's kind of his forte artistically (maybe personally?). But frankly I don't care, we're lucky he graces us with so many great hetero images like the other two currently on this page. As long as he keeps up the Moms fucked by boys pics and other wonderfully lewd art he can do whatever he wants! Excelsior!
Anonymous5: This was a request from a patron which I found enjoyable to do. I like to try a large spectrum of erotic subjects. Maybe the next piece will be about a nerd jacking off in his parent's basement and anonymously complaining about porn that someone shares with them for free.
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Please don't take any critic so seriously. I don't think anon4 meant it that way.
That being said, some actual question: Why do you spend hours on the picture but so little time on the text? For example you write "Ya" or "Tony" instead of "your" and "Anthony". I am seriously asking why you choose to do so?
Anonymous9: This is actually pretty good for this creator. Whatever this guy does 90% is fantastic or even up to 98% of enjoyed his stuff past years. Maybe some people don’t like feminist male dominance;egardlessthe genre regardless his end result is fabulous! so either shut up and enjoy it or just skip it.
Anonymous11: @Anonymous: Do you mean femdom with "feminist male dominance"? Because if so, Booby Luv has always drawn femdom stuff. Heck some would call him a femdom artist. So it would be pretty stupid to view booby luv's stuff without liking femdom.
Anonymous12(9): Regardless his work is second to none. Yes his genre requrdless can t say add about a majority of shit posted on this shit. His execution and overall design concepts is impeccable.
Anonymous15: @Anonymous: And, yet you, the Manliest on Men, are here just to complain!? I'm not buying it, Nancy! I'm so ewhat surprised that someone who professes to despise this sort of thing ALWAYS gravitates to the exact thing/artist he/she/it is against?! Never made sense to me, as you're obviously giving this element more advertising than you would've just going on to your supposed interests, hmm!?
Anonymous16: - So that's why poor Chris is so timid & nervous at bed time. Ever since Stewie "gender swaped" his "boy hood" with his "Sex Swap" Ray Gun a week ago. And the girls definitely have gone wild after theirs. Plugging & filling any hole or orifis they can find with their new " gushing joy sticks".
Anonymous17: Why is it, you ALWAYS find those individuals who profess to dislike Dick-girl, and, Female Domination at EXACTLY those images that have these scenes and concepts! It really is beyond me, You'd think that they would be spending MOST of their time at images, that got them just a bit interested, but, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Their always RIGHT there, and, always railing against something they don't like. It couldn't be that they actually like/love this sort of stuff, and, wish to detract attention from their self-hating, feminist dominated perversions themselves, is it?! Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, couldn't be THAT simple. Or, could it?!?
Anonymous19: @Anonymous: Nah they hate it soo much for the same reason they are secretly drawn to it: They like it but can't or won't admit it.
Maybe they are secretly a big gay, maybe they are into dominating woman maybe it is just a fetish. Either way they won't admit it to themselves and that generates this kind of rage that you can see in the comments.
Anonymous21: You're an "alpha" with no game, if you're complaining about porn. A massive part of the porn is for STRAIGHT MEN, why complain about the 10%?
You fucktards, Don't like it, don't click on it or watch it - but clearly you're just insecure.
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That being said, some actual question: Why do you spend hours on the picture but so little time on the text? For example you write "Ya" or "Tony" instead of "your" and "Anthony". I am seriously asking why you choose to do so?
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Maybe they are secretly a big gay, maybe they are into dominating woman maybe it is just a fetish. Either way they won't admit it to themselves and that generates this kind of rage that you can see in the comments.
You fucktards, Don't like it, don't click on it or watch it - but clearly you're just insecure.