Anonymous4: Not all priestesses of the moon are Tyrande. But if it is Tyrande, Malfurion is in the emerals dream. So he can't really satisfy her there :O
Anonymous27: anon 27 .. they think its Tyrande coz they wana make themself happyer whyle faping at it :P
and i dont like those bananas they seems loooking at me
Anonymous35: Weeell, I don't want to be a smartass and correct the people saying it's not Tyrande, but Azazel said it was on his Deviantart.
Now why the fuck are we arguing about this? Just fap.
what happened to sylvanas
looks like malfurion aint giving enuf to her
i meant tyrande (not sylvanas)
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But their faces... "Who whould you like first?" I can't choose...
*looks around wildly and Spots anon, and promptly grabs and throws him in the way and runs off*
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Aslan pulls some tail with his new haircut.
and i dont like those bananas they seems loooking at me
i just noticed the bananas now i cant un see them
Now why the fuck are we arguing about this? Just fap.
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