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TagsAhsoka_Tano, Clone_Wars, Star_Wars, the_first_magelord, togruta
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Info1280x800 // 156KB // jpg
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biggerstaff: Goddamn it, why can no one draw her PROPERLY?

She's 12 YEARS OLD. SHE DOES NOT HAVE TITS. I swear, out of all 84 pics of her, maybe ONE is done ALMOST right.

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Bomber64: I think it looks better.
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Anonymous1: rule 34 - the only place where you'll be called a fag for preferring tits.

besides, it's clearly an older version of her.
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Anonymous2: she´s 12? FUCKING HOT
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Anonymous3: I would complain more against the ribs than the tits. I might not be a tubby chaser, but damn, drink some blue milk, girl!
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Anonymous4: She's 14 dumbass
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Anonymous5: Well Isn't this Shakatai...Don't know spelling -_-So doesn't that mean that you all were just fighting for nothing? -_- 001bc
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Anonymous6: Shut the fuck up biggerstaff. She is much better looking with big boobs.
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Anonymous7: This is clearly meant to be a depiction of her in her slutty teenage years.
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Anonymous8: She isn't that bad in this picture (even though she is at least +18) but I would think it is obvious that this a future Ahsoka and that she is most likely undercover as a slave to some hutt. Though I must agree, the ribs showing is a bit disturbing.
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Anonymous9: HUMAN 12 year old don't have big breasts. you never know at which age aliens grow boobs.
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Anonymous10: Maybe she's 18, or more in this picture, but GOOD
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Anonymous11: @anon5: What does your 001bc mean?
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Anonymous12: i think they said shes roughly 14
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Anonymous13: I just Read on the official SW Wiki At the begiging of the Clone Wars she is 14
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Anonymous14: Anon5: It's not Shaak Ti, Ahaak Ti has all-black eyes.
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Anonymous15: I like how biggerstaff talks shit. Is told this is and adult version and insted of saying sorry, just hides under a rock. Fag
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Anonymous16: 'scuse me buti knew a lot of girls that had breasts like this at age 12.
And i like Asohka better with tits
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Chupacabra555: Some of us aren't fans of Loli, including this artist it seems (and I personally like his interpretation of an adult Ahsoka ^_^)
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WildCard101: Ashoka looks like a younger Shaak Ti
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Anonymous17: she's not 12 she's 14
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evilpika: I know she's young in the show, but what's wrong with aging her up in fanart. Not everybody likes lolicon.
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Jester: She's 14 in alien years.
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Anonymous18: Shut the fuck up all of you its porn! Who gives a flying fuck
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Anonymous19: Sweet Monkey Jeebus! Thank you anon18 for speaking the truth. And Biggerstaff, I think you take your pedo ways to seriously, virgin.
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Anonymous20: thank you ano18, your all a bunch of pedos
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Anonymous21: More like this on his DA
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Anonymous22: fucking pedos. im allowed to like 13 yo version cuz im 13. dont be a fucking pedo
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Anonymous23: liking small tits doesnt make you a pedo
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Anonymous24: ^b&
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Anonymous25: I have known girls with breast like that at 14 in school so I say SHUT THE FUCK UP and act like adults and just enjoy good tits
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Anonymous26: i wanna tap that back to the old republic!
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Anonymous27: Isn't this Shaak Ti?
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Anonymous28: no, the face is ahsoka's
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Anonymous29: Christ, nothing flares a good argument like different porn preferences. Personally, as a 15 yr. old, I don't mind that she has tits, nor would I mind if she was completely flat (However I think the latter would be more hot). It is definitely Ahsoka btw, and yes, the ribs is a little disturbing.
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Anonymous30: who the mother fucking cares you retards its a awsome pic dont get pissed of some one can draw stoopid fagets arguing over age as long as it makes me hard i dont care
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Anonymous31: Cool picture! :D

- I like her as an adult (as seen here by the way) as well as the way she looks from the show.


That's right I drew it! :D
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Anonymous32: ohh its ahsoka alright, this is obviously a depiction of her from the future wars sometime in between rise and fall of vader, she wasnt originally put into the storyline because as all jedi did she went into hiding, AHA TAKE THAT biggerstaff... faggot
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Anonymous33: has anybody noticed she doesnt have a vagina
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Anonymous34: I h
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Anonymous35(34): Anon 22 & 29 have balls for admiting that they're underage and viewing mature content! But I myself am 16.
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evilpika: ^Why do people keep doing that? Sure, no one cares, we were all looking at porn at that age. But legally the mods have to try to prevent you from seeing porn. Why would you admit to being underage?
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Franky_Whiskey: ^Because stupidity has no limits,hehehe
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CrawlingChaos: Cuz being underage on the internet is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool.
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Anonymous36: Love it Magelord. Why'd the one on DA have the thong?
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Anonymous37: ULTRA ULTRA HOT
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Hanssen69: I'd fuck Ahsoka so hard I'll love fucking her from behind in her cunt standing. Also love to 69 her.
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Anonymous38: biggerstaff is a fag
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Anonymous39: this is obviously an older version of ahsoka and she's like 14 of course people are going to draw her older
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Jaina16: So hot. Need to cool down.
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Anonymous40: im guessing this is an edit of the original?
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Anonymous41: Hey Biggerstaff maybe this apicture of ADULT Ahsoka. You stop to consider that? Stupid fuck.
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alienraptors: Biggerstaff please just shut the fuck up. Personally in a fan of pics like this and others of that are more true to her design. Good pic btw

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