BerryBertunz: Well, in reality, dicks on girls isn't very normal so it's bound to not look that good, and cat/human hybrids would definately have something wrong with their dickgina.
Even though without balls the penis cannot be erect.
Anonymous5: Um, actually, BerryBertunz, it's not as difficult as you might think to generate a basically female body with a normal-looking penis. If the person starts out as physiologically male and you put them through hormone replacement therapy for long enough, they will (in most cases) eventually develop female secondary sexual traits, including such things as breast development and female fat deposits. There are some twists, though, e.g. you have to electrolyze away the roots of the facial hair and they must train their voice to sound more female, since facial hair growth and voice lowering are not reversed by hormone replacement. Also, the skeleton does not change, so if the body you start with has an especially masculine frame, there may be some trouble spots. Some of these can be fixed, though, e.g. excessively male-looking cheekbones can be surgically altered. Anyway, you can get an appearance very similar to a natural female body with such treatments, but the penis can only be converted to a neovagina through surgery. Another detail is that hormone replacement, if allowed to go on for long enough, eventually results in chemical suppression of male sexual function (which is replaced by female sexual function, useful if/when sexual reassignment surgery is done); the "shemales" one often finds in IRL porn must walk a fine line between taking the right hormone dosage to give themselves female features and taking a dosage that makes their cocks stop working. In summary, while these situations are indeed very rare in real life, "it's bound to not look that good" is not a correct conclusion; there are some complicating details, though. Obviously, there's no IRL test for what a cat-human hybrid would look like, since a cat and a human can't breed.
Anonymous6(5): Oh, and as an addendum: This particular kind of "dickgirl" (as opposed to, say, the kind DTiberius draws that have fully male urogenital anatomy) has no IRL counterpart; DTiberius-style anatomies can exist due to structural homologies between the male and female genitals, but IRL there's no way to make someone with a fully developed penis and vagina that both work. The internal "plumbing" behind them wouldn't fit together right. There are some "photos" of people who look like this online, but they are without exception shoops.
Anonymous8: I thank you for your informational speech. I actually learned something. :D Unlike the usual dimwitted comments made by idiots who can't even spell correctly. XD
Anonymous12: sin:first of all what the fuck is anonymous5 tipping about and second of all a penis is a penis you can still get a girl pregnant,
soo don't forget that and have proper bo summer, yes that's right i'm a bo' selecta fan.
Even though without balls the penis cannot be erect.
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soo don't forget that and have proper bo summer, yes that's right i'm a bo' selecta fan.
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