Anonymous3: Look, in my opinion, it’s alright to like Lolis.
I’m a girl (+18 btw) and I don’t mind it.
You all need to remember that it is NOT REAL and it cannot harm anyone.
Now if lolicon influences you to start liking underage girls in real life, then I suggest that you quit with what you’re doing and get some help for your problem.
Otherwise it is perfectly fine and it’s all fantasy
Nintendero: "If you start liking underage girls in real life" is OK as long as you don't harm anyone. The same way you can like blondies and that doesn't mean you are dangerous to them. Just keep it platonic.
Anonymous4: @anonymous3 I completely agree its fake and therefore shouldn't be wrong unless you start getting interested in real kids. I have 2 daughters and would never look at them or any kid sexualy
Anonymous5: @Anonymous: Woah buddy! That's a crime to use a tool to make a digital 2D piece of pornographic art that literally doesn't effect the world or hurt anybody.
I’m a girl (+18 btw) and I don’t mind it.
You all need to remember that it is NOT REAL and it cannot harm anyone.
Now if lolicon influences you to start liking underage girls in real life, then I suggest that you quit with what you’re doing and get some help for your problem.
Otherwise it is perfectly fine and it’s all fantasy
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