Anonymous3: it dose not matter that what kind of art it is it's just art of bowsette and boosette together if thing can't be as they were don't have to worry about what kind of art get posted on the internet and i think of this art of bowsette and boosette just like ordinary art and that how i see this art is to me if people complain like i allway say if you don't like it then don't look at it or block that for the kids but not the adults and thatme me the fan off bowsette and boostte fans don't need other people if they can't keep a close eye on there kids and i think that bad parenting
and that not fair that bowsette and boosette fans have to go through if this just because the parents can't keep an eye on there kids then we don't have to worry about this art that i have my feeling towards this art of bowsette and boosette and meme fans everywhere that how i feel i hope that no one don't take this the wrong way it's just keep a close eye that all so we don't have to worry so much that all
and that not fair that bowsette and boosette fans have to go through if this just because the parents can't keep an eye on there kids then we don't have to worry about this art that i have my feeling towards this art of bowsette and boosette and meme fans everywhere that how i feel i hope that no one don't take this the wrong way it's just keep a close eye that all so we don't have to worry so much that all