Urbane_Guerrilla: Got a flash for you, 2 -- that's about average hair. The machine in the corner "...Concave and convex/It could serve either sex/And so perfectly simple to clean!"
appealus: @Anon 3 = You are approached by a frenzied vault scientist, who yells, "I'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" What's your response?
Anonymous10: I really find it strange that people have only started hating the natural vagina look relatively recently. Just shows you what pre-pubescents really think doesn't it.
Anonymous17: Anonymous2, Anonymous4, Anonymous12, Anonymous13, Anonymous1, Nizzemancer - Please die in a fire you sub-human degenerate capitalist slave fucktards
Urbane_Guerrilla, Anonymous5/6, Anonymous11, Anonymous14 - I love you
Anonymous21: There's a difference between a "normal vagina" and "sweet Jesus, don't you even own a pair of scissors"...it doesn't have to be SHAVED, but a bit of a trim makes all the difference in the world.
a lewd, sexy art gallery
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Did I win?
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shave your cave
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Urbane_Guerrilla, Anonymous5/6, Anonymous11, Anonymous14 - I love you
... just sayin'.