Anonymous8: As long as it's hot, or is portrayed as fuckable enough, and capable of fellatio, I'd fuck most any Porkyman(to name a few; Milotic, Lapras, Mew, Gardevoir, Lopunny, Kirlia...*coughcoughsmoochumcoughcoughlarvitarcoughcough*)
And this actually makes Flygon hot, so I'll add Flygon to my list.
Anonymous9: awesome ide fuck that in a heatbeat idc about claws or nothin list of who id fuck (arcanine, mew, ninetails, flygon, latias, mewtwo, loppunny ect...
Anonymous10(9): awesome ide fuck that in a heatbeat idc about claws or nothin list of who id fuck (arcanine, mew, ninetails, flygon, latias, mewtwo, loppunny) ect...
- Reply
And this actually makes Flygon hot, so I'll add Flygon to my list.