Ross_Irving: You get what you get, Anon2. At least it's not 3pac or Doll Maker or Master Account. If you don't like it, offer a reason why, or your bitching is as worthless as the picture.
Ross_Irving: I will readily admit that I suck at drawing porn. I can't be bothered to look learn proper vagoo anatomy, for now. Like, Blaze is all cartoony here, see how the legs are all noodly and they bow outwards. I am not going for realism in smut. I'm more a surreal, cartoony kind of guy. My focus is on laughs. Enough excuses though, the people know what they want.
Maybe I'm better with pornographic concepts, I don't know.
Ross_Irving: Wow Fang, you've got quite a temper on you. Just relax, it's porn. Go back to your stiffly proportioned, boringly designed, cookie-cutter designs of Doll Maker's.
Anonymous5: one time you said, "We need more Rule 34 like this. Funny stuff, you know"(parody as well from another comment) well, if you are critiquing master account for his/her drawings (or anyone else), you are a hypocrit
Anonymous6: Today I've seen a few comments you made, ross. Reaching from constructive critique, over nitpicking, to talking something bad just because you don't like it. Now everything is different when it comes to your work, I presume?
And here I was thinking I was the only one who still likes Rule 34 for its original purpose. Being funny and ruining childhoods. Not for furry porn artists to use as a gallery and whine, "ITS JUST PORN, HNGFDADHRAT"
also Anon5 and 6: I don't see much wrong with Ross' pic. Its in an cartoony style. The vagina doesn't necessarily have to be realistic with every labia, flap, and the clitoris all in place. If that was the case, then the rest of the image would look out of place.
Anyway, bitch, whine, complain moan. I think its cute cause I love cartoony shit.
Ross_Irving: This is my last comment for this picture, send my PM's from this point on if you have any questions or bellyaching. I don't want to give off the impression that I'm some comment whore, I just like talking to people on the internet.
Anon5- I wouldn't call that hypocritical. There has to be some kind of quality to pictures, or people may just be put off. Some people who draw Rule 34 are obviously looking to improve if they spend a lot of time rendering a picture, so if they ever come across it, they'll find out where the big errors are.
Anon6, the rules still apply to my stuff. I don't see where you get the idea that I would believe my stuff is immune because I criticize other artists. I'm my own worst critic. Believe me, I'm working on it. But there's a difference between anatomy and cartoon construction. I was going for the latter here.
Uini, you've got the idea. I was thinking the same thing the other day when I was browsing this place.
Anonymous7: I've now have to agree with you ross, you have the point, i admit it but you are just saying the same, "mine is more cartoony than the others" who are you to say that?, don't drawing like this isn't "cartoon"? are you bill plimpton or somone else? everything crappy, or not crappy is a "cartoony". if we are talking about "hannah barbera" "friz freleng" style, now we are talking about rules of how it needs to be done, because for the cartoon worlds, there are no rules (duh) like Uini said.
And maybe you just need to supose that masteraccount is drawing like that just to make fun of it (just a suposition) but if you don't find it funny, that doesn't mean that could not be funny to others.
And if i first was bitching around, it's because you are unfair with some of the critics you made, they look like more "i don't like it because..." (your god damn subjectivity opinion and not objectivity).
Anonymous8: Anon 7 I didn't even bother to read yours because it is a complete butchery of the English language.
Ross, your picture amused me. Everytime I look at her legs I think "WHERE IN TARNATION ARE MY LEVI'S YOU VARMINTS", because, you know, they're bowlegged, like a cowboy's.
Its bad, not nearly as shitty as 3pac, MasterAccount, and Doll Maker
Maybe I'm better with pornographic concepts, I don't know.
And here I was thinking I was the only one who still likes Rule 34 for its original purpose. Being funny and ruining childhoods. Not for furry porn artists to use as a gallery and whine, "ITS JUST PORN, HNGFDADHRAT"
also Anon5 and 6: I don't see much wrong with Ross' pic. Its in an cartoony style. The vagina doesn't necessarily have to be realistic with every labia, flap, and the clitoris all in place. If that was the case, then the rest of the image would look out of place.
Anyway, bitch, whine, complain moan. I think its cute cause I love cartoony shit.
Anon5- I wouldn't call that hypocritical. There has to be some kind of quality to pictures, or people may just be put off. Some people who draw Rule 34 are obviously looking to improve if they spend a lot of time rendering a picture, so if they ever come across it, they'll find out where the big errors are.
Anon6, the rules still apply to my stuff. I don't see where you get the idea that I would believe my stuff is immune because I criticize other artists. I'm my own worst critic. Believe me, I'm working on it. But there's a difference between anatomy and cartoon construction. I was going for the latter here.
Uini, you've got the idea. I was thinking the same thing the other day when I was browsing this place.
And maybe you just need to supose that masteraccount is drawing like that just to make fun of it (just a suposition) but if you don't find it funny, that doesn't mean that could not be funny to others.
And if i first was bitching around, it's because you are unfair with some of the critics you made, they look like more "i don't like it because..." (your god damn subjectivity opinion and not objectivity).
Ross, your picture amused me. Everytime I look at her legs I think "WHERE IN TARNATION ARE MY LEVI'S YOU VARMINTS", because, you know, they're bowlegged, like a cowboy's.